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The revolutionary process that took place in North America (on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean) towards the second half of the 18th century was led by the inhabitants of the 13 English colonies, in response to the political and economic measures imposed by George III, King from England. After various actions of rejection - not fully attended - to them, by the English government, the colonists - led by characters such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and others - decided to declare their independence on July 4, 1776 and constitute the first free country of the American continent: the United States of America.
The causes of this war can be understood from the following aspects:
The measures imposed on the colonists by the English government at the end of the Seven Years' War with France.
The political, social and economic consolidation that the colonists achieved due to the freedoms that the Crown had initially granted them, which have already been outlined in previous lines.
The influence of the ideas of the Enlightenment, to which the colonists resorted to oppose the new provisions and justify the fight against the English Crown. Remember that these ideas were already referred to in the overview of this unit of study
El proceso revolucionario que se gestó en América del Norte (en el litoral del Océano Atlántico) hacia la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII fue encabezado por los habitantes de las 13 colonias inglesas, como respuesta a las medidas políticas y económicas que impuso Jorge III, rey de Inglaterra. Tras diversas acciones de rechazo- no del todo atendidas- a las mismas, por el gobierno inglés, los colonos –dirigidos por personajes como Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamín Franklin, y otros- decidieron declarar su independencia el 4 de julio de 1776 y constituir el primer país libre del continente americano: Estados Unidos de América.
Las causas de dicha guerra se pueden entender a partir de los siguientes aspectos:
Las medidas que impuso a los colonos el gobierno inglés al concluir la Guerra de Siete Años con Francia.
La consolidación política, social y económica que los colonos lograron por las libertades que la Corona les había otorgado inicialmente, mismas que ya han sido esbozadas en líneas anteriores.
La influencia de las ideas de la Ilustración, a las cuales recurrieron los colonos para oponerse a las nuevas disposiciones y justificar la lucha contra la Corona inglesa. Recuerda que dichas ideas ya fueron referidas en la visión de conjunto de esta unidad de estudio.
Conduct research on the
Independence of the thirteen colonies of
North America, a process that gave rise to
United States.
Where you will identify the main reasons for the
Discontent of the colonists with the English crown.
Identify economic, social,
And cultures that made independence possible
Of the English territories of North America.
To analyse the relationship between the history of Europe and
Independence of the colonies.
(you can do it in your notebook, or use white sheets.
Images, drawings, maps, timeline.)
To achieve this, you will examine various sources
Images, letters, documents
Officials and press of the xvili century.