Inglés, pregunta formulada por leidygaviria1523, hace 8 meses

VI. Choose the right preposition of place (in-on-at)

46. There is a picture ____ the wall.

47. The tv is ____ the table.

48. The mother is sitting ____ the sofa

49. She is holding a base ____ her hand.

50. The son and the daughter are ____the house.

51. I am _____ Cali

52. The policeman is ____ the bus stop.

53. The woman is looking ___ her daughter.

54. See you ____ the traffic lights.

55. There are beautiful flowers ____ the vase.

VII. Write the right preposition of time (in-on-at)

56. What are you doing ____Saturday?

57. So you'll be there ____ the evening!

58. I am going to Paris ____ December.

59. The party is ____ Halloween

60. Let’s meet ____ three o'clock pm.

61. I'll be here ____ nine o'clock.

62. I'll catch the half past seven train ____ monday.

63. I am coming back ____ Sunday evening

64. I am going to the countryside ____the morning.

VIII. Choose the opposite adjective.

65. SOFT

a. narrow

b. hard

c. straight


a. right

b. better

c. bad

67. WEAK

a. strong

b. smooth

c. narrow


a. sad

b. bad

c. hot

69. TALL

a. short

b. low

c. fit

70. FAT

a. thin

b. thick

c. narrow

IX. Choose the correct possessive adjective in the sentences below (they are in Spanish)

71. _____ car needs new wheels

a. His

b. Your

c. My

d. Her

72. He is looking for _____ cap.

a. Your

b. My

c. Our

d. His

73. I have a pain in _____ neck.

a. Their

b. My

c. Her

d. Our

74. _____ coffee is the best around the world.

a. My

b. Our

c. Her

d. His
75. Someone call _____ police!

a. no article

b. the

c. a

d. an

76. Kobe Bryant is _____ basketball player.

a. no article

b. the

c. a

d. an

77. This is _____ best Mexican restaurant in

the country.

a. no article

b. the

c. a

d. an

78. He is _____ American hero.

a. no article

b. the

c. a

d. an

79. I don't have _____ dog.

a. no article

b. the

c. a

d. an

XI. Choose the correct answer.

80. The bag (be) _____ blue.

a. am

b. are

c. is

81. The children (be) _____ young.

a. am

b. are

c. is

82. The game (be) _____ difficult.

a. am

b. are

c. is


XII. Choose the best answer to each question:

83. Which of the following contains a demonstrative adjective? (cuál de los siguientes contiene un adjetivo


a. red socks

b. old socks

c. stinky socks

d. those socks

84. Which of the following contains a demonstrative adjective used correctly? (cuál de los siguientes

contiene un uso correcto de un adjetivo demostrativo)

a. those car

b. this car

c. these car

d. this cars

85. Choose the correct sentence. (Escoja la oración correcta)

a. Maria loves this muffins.

b. Maria loves those muffin.

c. Maria loves these muffins.

d. Maria loves that muffins.

86. Choose the INCORRECT sentence. (escoja la oración incorrecta)

a. Sam owns that motorcycle.

b. Sam owns these motorcycle.

c. Sam owns this motorcycle.

d. Sam owns those motorcycles.
Which sentence DOES NOT use a demonstrative adjective? (cuál oración no usa un adjetivo


a. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

b. That movie was hilarious.

c. I could eat all of these cookies.

d. I couldn't sleep last night because those dogs were barking.

XIII. Match

88. Match the correct word for each sentence.

(___) Asking for a place or localization A. Hers

(___) Asking for a specific time B. Ours

(___) Asking for a reason C. interesting

(___) Asking for a condition, form, or situation D. His

(___) Asking for a person’s information or an object’s E. Yours

(___) Asking for a person F. Theirs

(___) You G. blue

(___) He H. new

(___) They I. hot

(___) She J. Where

(___) I K. long

(___) We L. When

(___) It’s a sunny day and the sky is _____ M. What

(___) Look at my _____ car. I got it yesterday N. How

(___) It was a very _____ summer O. Who

(___) He is reading an _____ book P. Why

(___) She has _____ brown hair Q. Mine

XIV. Read the sentences carefully and decide if they are true or false according to the

possessive pronoun.

Sentences True False

89. We have a house, our house is big

90. I have 2 brothers, their brothers are tall.

91. She lives in a big flat, her flat is big

92. They have a nice car, my car is fast

93. You are intelligent, your notes are very Good

XV. True or false demostratives pronouns

Sentences True False

94. That dogs are dangerous

95. These car is blue

96. Those boys are playing football

97. This men are tourists

98. These cars are very fast

99. That man is an actor

100. This people are American​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por RodrigoSlash


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