Inglés, pregunta formulada por Santiago1095, hace 10 meses

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then click the "Check" button to check your answers. 1. Mark: What are you doing with those scissors? Beth: I (cut) that picture of the ocean out of the travel magazine. Mark: What (you, do) with it? Beth: I (paint) a watercolor of the ocean for my art class, and I thought I could use this photograph as a model. 2. Mark: (you, do) me a favor, Sam? Sam: Sure, what do you want me to do? Mark: I (change) the broken light bulb in the lamp above the dining room table. I need someone to hold the ladder for me while I am up there. Sam: No problem, I (hold) it for you. 3. Gina: Where are you going? Ted: I (go) to the store to pick up some groceries. Gina: What (you, get) ? Ted: I (buy) some milk, some bread, and some coffee. 4. John: Wow, it's freezing out there. Jane: I (make) some coffee to warm us up. Do you want a piece of pie as well? John: Coffee sounds great! But I (have) dinner with some friends later, so I'd better skip the pie. Jane: I (go) to dinner tonight too, but I'm having a piece of pie anyway. 5. Frank: I heard you're taking a Spanish class at the community college. Tom: Yeah, I (go) to Guatemala next spring and I thought knowing a little Spanish would make the trip easier. Frank: I (visit) my brother in Marseilles next year. Maybe I should take a French class. Tom: I have a course catalog in the other room. I (go) get it, and we can see whether or not they're offering a French course next semester.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por MichaelSpymore1

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

1. Mark: What are you doing with those scissors? Beth: I (cut) that picture of the ocean out of the travel magazine. Mark: What (you, do) with it? Beth: I (paint) a watercolor of the ocean for my art class, and I thought I could use this photograph as a model.

Respuesta 1:

Mark: What are you doing with those scissors?

Beth: I'm going to cut that picture of the ocean out of the travel magazine.

Mark: What are you going to do with it?

Beth: I'm going to paint a watercolor of the ocean for my art class, and I thought I could use this photograph as a model.

Traducción 1:

Mark: ¿Qué estás haciendo con esas tijeras?

Beth: Voy a recortar esa foto del océano de la revista de viajes.

Mark: ¿Qué vas a hacer con ella?

Beth: Voy a pintar una acuarela del océano para mi clase de arte, y pensaba que podría usar esta fotografía como modelo.

2. Mark: (you, do) me a favor, Sam? Sam: Sure, what do you want me to do? Mark: I (change) the broken light bulb in the lamp above the dining room table. I need someone to hold the ladder for me while I am up there. Sam: No problem, I (hold) it for you.

Respuesta 2:

Mark: Could you do me a favor, Sam?

Sam: Sure, what do you want me to do?

Mark: I'm going to change the broken light bulb in the lamp above the dining room table. I need someone to hold the ladder for me while I am up there.

Sam: No problem, I will hold it for you.

Traducción 2:

Mark: ¿Podrías hacerme un favor, Sam?

Sam: Claro, ¿Qué quieres que yo haga?

Mark: Yo voy a cambiar la bombilla fundida de la lámpara sobre la mesa del comedor. Necesito alguien que me sostenga la escalera mientras estoy arriba.

Sam: No hay problema, yo te la sujetaré.

3. Gina: Where are you going? Ted: I (go) to the store to pick up some groceries. Gina: What (you, get) ? Ted: I (buy) some milk, some bread, and some coffee.

Respuesta 3:

Gina: Where are you going?

Ted: I am going to the store to pick some groceries.

Gina. What are you going to get?

Ted: I will buy some milk, some bread, and some coffee.

Traducción 3:

Gina: a donde vas?

Ted: Voy a la tienda a comprar algunos comestibles.

Gina: ¿Qué vas a conseguir?

Ted: Compraré leche, pan y café.

4. John: Wow, it's freezing out there. Jane: I (make) some coffee to warm us up. Do you want a piece of pie as well? John: Coffee sounds great! But I (have) dinner with some friends later, so I'd better skip the pie. Jane: I (go) to dinner tonight too, but I'm having a piece of pie anyway.

Respuesta 4:

John: Wow, it's freezing out there.

Jane: I am going to make some coffee to warm us up. Do you want a piece of pie as well?

John: Coffee sounds great! But I am having dinner with some friends later, so I'd better skip the pie.

Jane: I am going to dinner tonight too, but I'm having a piece of pie anyway.

Traducción 4:

John: Vaya, hace mucho frío ahí fuera.

Jane: Voy a hacer un poco de café para entrar en calor. ¿Quieres un trozo de pastel también?

John: ¡El café suena genial! Pero voy a cenar con unos amigos más tarde, así que sería mejor que me salte el pastel.

Jane: Yo también voy a cenar esta noche, pero de todos modos voy a comer un trozo de pastel.

5. Frank: I heard you're taking a Spanish class at the community college. Tom: Yeah, I (go) to Guatemala next spring and I thought knowing a little Spanish would make the trip easier. Frank: I (visit) my brother in Marseilles next year. Maybe I should take a French class. Tom: I have a course catalog in the other room. I (go) get it, and we can see whether or not they're offering a French course next semester.

Respuesta 5:

Frank: I heard you're taking a Spanish class at the community college.

Tom: Yeah, I am going to Guatemala next spring and I thought knowing a little Spanish would make the trip easier.

Frank: I am going to visit my brother in Marseilles next year. Maybe I should take a French class.

Tom: I have a course catalog in the other room. I will go get it, and we can see whether or not they're offering a French course next semester.

Traducción 5:

Frank: Escuché que estás tomando una clase de español en el colegio comunitario.

Tom: Sí, voy a ir a Guatemala la próxima primavera y pensé que hablar un poco de español facilitaría el viaje.

Frank: Yo voy a visitar a mi hermano en Marsella el próximo año. Tal vez debería tomar una clase de francés.

Tom: Yo tengo un catálogo de cursos en la otra habitación. iré a conseguirlo, y podemos ver si ofrecen o no un curso de francés el próximo semestre.

Michael Spymore

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