Inglés, pregunta formulada por ocaisabanda, hace 2 meses

use la forma comparativa con los adjetivos en parentesis (tall) (useful) (young) (beautiful) (cheap) (heavy) (wealthy) (fast) (hot) (cunnime) (happy) ( good ) ayudemen porfa lo necesito​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por blancavillarreal1993

Respuesta: Ram is taller than Rita.

A pen is more useful than a sword.

Sarita is younger than her sister.

This dress is more beautiful than dress.

Mangoes are cheaper than apples.

Iron is heavier than wood.

Mr. Thapa was more wealthy than Mr. Pauled.

iA car runs faster than a bicycle.

Summer feels hotter than winter.

The fox was more cunning than the jackal.

I am happier than my friend.

Your idea is better than my idea.


Regla de los comparativos. (more than)

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