un párrafo convenciendo a alguien que el racismo y la discriminación es un serio problema en el mundo y una conclusión que ayude a eliminar estos problemas. Es algo muy simple. Si pueden tradúzcanlo a ingles porfaaa.
Respuestas a la pregunta
In France, Muslims of sub-Saharan or North African origin suffer greater abuses by security forces than non-Muslim French.
- In many countries in Europe, Roma communities are denied their economic, social and cultural rights. In countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia, Amnesty International has noted the lack of access of Roma children to primary education.
These data reveal that racism and discrimination are a very serious problem in the EU
- la discriminación es un problema bastante serio, ya que orilla a las personas
Gracias a ella existen agresiones físicas por racismo, homicidios de trabajadores sexuales, dificultades de algunos colectivos para su inserción social, son algunos de los aspectos visibles de un mal que está arraigado a mundo hoy, desde siempre.
Podemos evitarlos no juzgando a las personas ni orillandolas por sean como sean...
- Discrimination is a very serious problem, as it borders people
Thanks to it there are physical aggressions for racism, homicides of sex workers, difficulties of some groups for their social insertion, are some of the visible aspects of an evil that is rooted in the world today, always.
We can avoid them by not judging people or bordering on them however they are ...