Inglés, pregunta formulada por st3ph4n13, hace 3 meses


escribe un diálogo usando question tags, imagine you're at the beach with your friends and you all are having an excelente time talking together

pls pls
le hago un altar al que me responda rápido ​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por estrellasdelfuturo79


Mary: Hi Girls. You are having fun. aren't you?.

Susan: Yes, we are. The beach is my favorite place.

Patty: I agree with you Susan. Nothing is better than the breeze and the sun in this wonderful place. isn't it?

Mary: Yes, it is. Let's go swimming. The waves are perfect and the sea is waiting for us. isn't it?

Susan: Wait friends. That boy isn't Daniel. is he?

Patty: Who? That one? You are crazy. aren't you?

Susan: No, he isn't Daniel. He looks like him but this one is taller than him.

Mary: Yes, you are right. Okay Let's have fun.

Susan and Patty: Let's go.



Mary: Hola chicas. Se están divirtiendo. Verdad?

Susan: Si claro. La playa es mi lugar favorito.

Patty: Estoy de acuerdo contigo Susan. Nada mejor que la brisa y el sol en este lugar maravilloso. Verdad?

Mary: Si. Vamos a nadar. Las olas están perfectas y el mar espera por nosotras. ¿ No lo creen?

Susan: Esperen amigas. Aquel chico no es Daniel verdad?

Patty: Quién? ¿ Aquel? Estas loca. no?

Susan: No no es Daniel. Se parece pero este es más alto que él.

Mary: si tienes razón. okey vamos a divertirnos.

Susan y Patty: Vamos

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