Inglés, pregunta formulada por dreyesr01, hace 6 meses

Unit 7: Dynamic 4

Fill in the blanks with the correct FUTURE forms:
(Will / Going to / Present Continuous / Simple Present)

1. A: What you ........................ (do) when you grow up?
B:Igoing (be) an acrobat in a circus.
2. I haven’t seen him for a long time but I think I ............................................. (recognize) him.
3. A: I need some coins to telephone my friend.
B: I .....................................will give you some... (give) you some.
4. I got the plane tickets. I .............................................. (fly) on Sunday.
5. A: Have you got any plans for the summer?
B: Yes, we ........................will be going . (go) to Italy in June.
6. Don’t play with those matches; you .............................................. burn yourself.
7. A: Whose is that night dress?
B : It’s mine. I ................................................ (wear) it at John’s graduation party.
8. A: Why did you call your grandma?
B: I ........................................................ (visit) her at the weekend.
9. If your passport isn’t valid any more, you ...................................................... (not / be able to) go abroad this month.
10.A: What are you doing with that brush?
B: I ......................................................... (paint) my room.
11.A: Why are you wearing your anorak?
B: I ......................................................... (go) out.
12.I don’t know the meaning of this word so I ................................................ (look) it up in the dictionary.
13.Look out! You ................................................... (hurt) yourself with that knife.
14.A: I’ve got a terrible headache.
B: Have you? Wait there and I ................................................. (get) an aspirin for you.
15.Mother: Your face is dirty.
Child : All right. I .......................................................... (wash) it.
16.A: What time ........................the next bus ............................ (arrive)? B: 13 minutes later.
17.......................... you .......................... (open) the door for me, please?
18.We’re early. The film .................................... (start) at 2:30. Why don’t we go
and have something to drink?
19.He ............................................. (call) the police as soon as he gets home.
20.A: What .......................... you ................................. (do) with that dress?
B: I ......................................................(shorten) the skirt.

The Future Continuous Exercise

A Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using the future continuous tense.

1 A: I wonder if the kids are enjoying the party?
B: They will be to causing havoc, I'm sure. (to cause)
2 A: Sara and Marc are in Somerset.
B: a great time. (to have)
3 Hopefully tomorrow, we will be lieling on the beach all day. (to lie)
4 If I know my brother, he will be thinking hard about what to do next. (to think)
5 This time tomorrow, I will be giving class to 20 spotty adolescents. (to give)
6 What will be you doing in a year from now? (to do)
7 Clare's idea proved disastrous. I ............................... her advice again. (Not take)
8 At this rate you ..................................... Spanish fluently in a question of months. (to speak)
9 Before long, he ..................................... you for more money again. (to ask)
10 Just you wait. She ..................................... you every night before you know it. (to telephone)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por antiochaalfer


1 doing

3 giving

4 will fly

6 go

7 wearing

7 don't take

8 to speak

9 to telephone

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