Communication has been influenced by Facebook , The social network created by Mark Zuckerberg. This creation was the result of the computer hobby. As a child he used to created computer games and small software aplications. As a teenager, he used to have computer lessons with a private tutor. Today is managing his Company and has been considered one of the most succesful entrepreneurs of our time.
Angela Merkel in the chancellor of Germany. She has been chosen as the world`s most powerfull woman by Forber magazine, “the head of the real global economy in Europe”. As a student, the used to be a member of the socialist Youth Movement. She studied physic and received a doctorated in Quantum Chemistry. When Merker was younger, she didn´t use to work in politics, like she does today, but as a researcher at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry.
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Communication has been influenced by Facebook , The social network created by Mark Zuckerberg. This creation was the result of the computer hobby. As a child he used to created computer games and small software aplications. As a teenager, he used to have computer lessons with a private tutor. Today is managing his Company and has been considered one of the most succesful entrepreneurs of our time.
Angela Merkel in the chancellor of Germany. She has been chosen as the world`s most powerfull woman by Forber magazine, “the head of the real global economy in Europe”. As a student, the used to be a member of the socialist Youth Movement. She studied physic and received a doctorated in Quantum Chemistry. When Merker was younger, she didn´t use to work in politics, like she does today, but as a researcher at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry.
Todas las palabras en negrita son verbos ya que aun que esten en diferentes tiempos ( pasado, presente, futuro) son acciones que cualquier sujeto ( she, he, we, etc ) puede hacer