Inglés, pregunta formulada por Martikz, hace 1 año

Una historia que este escrita en passive voice mínimo de 100 palabras.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por jhidalgo
Recuerda que la voz pasiva hace que la acción recaiga sobre el sujeto más allá de describir un sujeto que realiza una acción, lo que hace es centrar la acción sobre el sujeto.

De esta manera, tienes ejemplos como: “The ball was thrown by the pitcher", mientras que en voz activa sería “The pitcher threw the ball.”

Ahora con tu historia:

The car was bought by Mr. Smith, after being produced, assembled, and stored in this huge store filled with different cars of different types, brands and characteristics.

Once the car was bought by Mr. Smith, everything changed, simply life started to be different. The car was taken outside every day to the city and back home.

Every saturday or almost, the car was washed with different types of incredible products that enhanced its looks, and preserved the painting job.

For the rest of the cars in the store, the time will come when someone will finally buy them, meanwhile the waiting makes some of them a little anxious, but it's worth it, besides, there's no other choice.
Contestado por agustinpratto

Se usa  passive voice cuando se quiere dar mas importancia al acto que a la persona que lo hace

El texto es el siguiente:

        Most villages and towns on the British Isles were  undeveloped because of their difficult situation for trade.

       Rather more than a hundred years ago, a great change came over the land. Many machines were invented about that time.

       Spinning and weaving, for example, which had previously been done by hand, were done by machinery that were driven by water or steam-power.

        The work which was usuallywas done in the houses of the people began to be carried on in large mills or factories, and workers found it convenient to live near them.

       More and more factories were built and men and women left the country districts in great numbers and were relocated into tows

       Since then, the movement of people into towns has been going on until now.  

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