Inglés, pregunta formulada por rubi1819, hace 1 año

una historia de 120 palabras en ingles

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Sofia8482
 I was at school when my teacher came up to me, yet did not want to answer the question he asked me a few minutes ago, I had the right answer, but my companions whispered some behind the teacher. 
We went to the break and the teacher called me into the classroom, obeying his orders, I approached, she asked me some questions of history, which I did not understand, but I made my effort to pass that exam. The teacher asked me very angry book and handed it slowly. I just told her to give me another chance and that the next day I repeated the test, she sighed and looked into my eyes, nodded his head and handed me the notebook. 

Aquí te la dejo en español: 
Estaba en la escuela cuando mi maestra se me acercó, aún no quería responderle a la pregunta que me hizo hace algunos minutos, no tenía la respuesta correcta, aunque mis compañeros me susurraban algunas a espaldas de la maestra. 
Salimos a el descanso y la profesora me llamo al aula de clase, obedeciendo sus ordenes, me acerqué, ella me hizo algunas preguntas de historia, las cuales no comprendí, pero hice mi esfuerzo para pasar aquel examen. La profesora muy enojada me pidió el cuaderno y se la pasé lentamente. Solo le dije que me diera otra oportunidad y que al día siguiente me repitiera el examen, ella dio un suspiro y me miró a los ojos, asintió con su cabeza y me devolvió el cuaderno. 

Espero que te sirva... :D

rubi1819: pero en el tea en el cual estoy me piden que utilice los pasados , y de 120 a mas palabras pleaseeeeee help me
Sofia8482: De pasado?
rubi1819: simple , perfecto , continuos y past pecfect simple and past perfect contunuos
Contestado por holaquehacecuacua7


Once upon a time there was a man who had a dog named Ben. He was his best friend since he was ten, they played and went running every day ... but one day Ben ran away and never came back, the man seeing this became very sad and tried to forget him, but he just did not I could stop thinking about his friend. One day, to stop thinking about him, he decided that the best solution was to buy a new puppy that would give him the same feeling of joy as his puppy Ben. At first it was all happiness and happiness, but after a few weeks he realized that even if he has a new puppy, nothing and no one could replace his dear old friend Ben.


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