Inglés, pregunta formulada por Milka2001, hace 1 año

Una biografía de cualquier personaje en ingles.

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Cervantes was born in 1547 in Alcalá de Henares, son of Rodrigo de Cervantes and Leonor de Cortinas.
Probably resided in diverse populations of Spain to have to accompany his father, who wanted to improve his profession of surgeon.
Towards 1551, Rodrigo de Cervantes moved with his family to Valladolid. For debts, he was imprisoned for several months and his assets were seized. In 1556 he went to Cordova to pick up the inheritance of Juan de Cervantes, the writer's grandfather, and flee from the creditors.
There are no precise data on the first studies of Miguel de Cervantes, who undoubtedly did not become university students. It seems that he could have studied in Valladolid, Cordoba or Seville. It is also possible that he studied in the Society of Jesus, since in the novel The colloquy of the dogs elaborates a description of a school of Jesuits that seems an allusion to his student life. Although little is known of his studies, however, it should be noted that in Madrid he was a disciple of grammar teacher Juan López de Hoyos, who in 1569 published a book on the illness and death of Queen Isabel de Valois, Third wife of Philip II. López de Hoyos includes in that book two poems of Cervantes, those are his first literary manifestations.
In 1569 he left Spain, because of some problem with justice, and settled in Rome, where he entered the militia, in the company of Don Diego de Urbina, with whom he participated in the Battle of Lepanto (1571). In this naval combat against the Turks was wounded of an archabuzazo in the left hand, that was stilled to him. When, after several years of garrison life in Sardinia, Lombardy, Naples and Sicily (where he acquired a great knowledge of Italian literature), he returned to Spain, the ship in which he was traveling was approached by Turkish pirates (1575), who He was arrested and sold as a slave, along with his brother Rodrigo, in Algiers. He remained there until, in 1580, an emissary of his family managed to pay the ransom demanded by his captors.
Already in Spain, after eleven years of absence, he found his family in an even more difficult situation, so he dedicated himself to commissioning the court for a few years. In 1584 he married Catalina Salazar de Palacios, and after recovering financially he traveled to Madrid and began to write a pastoral novel La Galatea, a work he would publish in 1585.
In 1587 he got a new job as Commissioner of Provisions in the Invincible Navy and with the relationships that he gets, he finally settled in Seville working as a real supplier. For although it brought him more than one problem with the peasants and an accusation of embezzlement, he allowed him to enter into contact with the variegated and picturesque world of the countryside which he would so well reflect in his masterpiece, Don Quixote, which began to be developed, According to the prologue to this work, when Cervantes ends up in jail. It is not known whether that term meant that he began to write it while he was in prison or, simply, that he came up with the idea there.
The success of this book was immediate and considerable, but it did not help him out of misery. The following year the court moved again to Valladolid, and Cervantes with her. The success of Don Quixote allowed him to publish other works that already had written: the moral tales of the Exemplary Novelas, the Journey of the Parnassus and Comedies and hors d'oeuvres.
In 1616, months before his death, he sent the second volume of Don Quixote to the printing press, which completes the work that places him as one of the greatest writers in history and as the founder of the novel in the modern sense of the word. From a corrosive satire of the novels of chivalry, the book constructs a tragicomic picture of life and explores the depths of the soul through the wanderings of two archetypal and opposing characters, the enlightened Don Quixote and his prosaic squire Sancho Panza. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra dies the 22 of April of 1616.
Cervantes is considered one of the greatest exponents of Spanish literature, author of The ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, fundamental work of universal letters. This work has been translated into practically all languages, has been published worldwide and has been adapted in multiple and different formats in many occasions, from films to comics, from television series to theater or radio. Considered as the first modern novel, Cervantes obtained with El Quijote an immortal work capable of crossing the barrier of time.

Milka2001: Gracias♥
dora25adoracion: Denada, Es Algo Larga
dora25adoracion: Espero Te Sirva
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