Inglés, pregunta formulada por mary2mary, hace 1 año

un poema con rima
10 silabas metricas
4 estrofas
a la madre
x fa 3

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por juanbarreto516p7rm2d
tiene mas estrofas pero creo que te servira :

My mother is a poem
with white hair,
that has to the lips
a gesture of forgiveness.
When after long absence I return
she awaits me,
Hugs me like a child,
He kisses me with passion.
My mother is tiny
just like a violet,
the sweet is in your soul,
the crying in goodbye.
She owns my dreams,
although I am not a poet,
the verses to my mother
God inspires them.
How beautiful my mother is
what luck it is to have it and
How happy to see her
happy at home
Radiant with joy
next to his children
taking care of his nietitos
What a saint my mother is,
Bless her, yes, bless her Lord.
My mother is a rose
of petals
that keeps its perfume
very close to the heart.
Living our anguish
I do not know what he cried
that's why when mentioning it
I'm sorry of emotion.
My mother is like a chrome
of magic palette
Song pain tenderness
everything is in his voice
She owns my dreams,
although I am not a poet,
the verses to my mother
God inspires me.
How beautiful my mother is
what luck it is to have it and
How happy to see her
happy at home.

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