un parrafo en ingles de panda diciendo su color su talla peso donde vive como lo podemos protejer doy corona por favorrrr
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habitat (high altitude forests) with the giant panda, although it is more widespread. It is found in the mountains of Nepal and northern Burma, as well as in the central regions of China.
This animal spends most of its time in trees, where it even sleeps. It is usually most active at night, at dusk and dawn, when it goes out in search of food.
Red pandas love bamboo, although unlike their giant brother, they also eat fruits, acorns, roots and eggs. They also have the wrist bone very developed, it looks like a thumb, which allows them to hold on to trees more easily.
They are shy and solitary animals except in mating season. Females usually have young in spring and summer, usually between one and four. The young pandas stay in their lair until they are 90 days, while their mothers take care of them. Males are hardly interested in their offspring
I am the 50 kg live weight panda in this Tokyo zoo, I am black and white, I am endangered, you can protect me not to litter where I live.