Un ejemplo de guion de noticiero en ingles
Respuestas a la pregunta
RODRIGO GARCÍA: Hello, such a good day. This is the morning newscast of Radio Comunitaria 99.4 broadcasting from Mexico City. They are greeted by Rodrigo García.
CARMEN SÁNCHEZ: Good morning. Today is Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Welcome to the news greetings Carmen Sánchez. We begin
Wipe (30 sec.)
CARMEN SÁNCHEZ: We begin with the news that has grabbed attention in recent days. The government of the United States has reported that it has identified an alleged suspect of the terrorist attacks perpetrated last Monday during the Boston marathon. The president of that nation, Barack Obama, announced that the FBI will continue with the investigations and that in the next days the person who probably had some participation in these acts could be arrested.
RODRIGO GARCÍA: In more international news, Venezuelan President-elect Nicolás Maduro announced that he will not give in to opposition protests, which caused the death of seven people. Currently the South American country is going through a serious political crisis as a result of the tight elections that gave Maduro the winner, with a narrow margin of difference.
Cutting music / Voice-over (30 sec.)
commercial break
CARMEN SÁNCHEZ: We're going to a commercial court. What they hear now is the new album by the British band Depeche Mode entitled Delta Machine. Continue with us In a moment we come back
The informative scripts are made taking into account the structure and type of news that you want to transmit, according to the requested activity we will present an example of a newscast.
Evening News Script
Gingle – Intro - Pedro Hernandez
Good afternoon to all viewers. this is the evening broadcast newscast, brought to you by TVactual so that you are informed of today's national and international news; who is greeted by his friend Pedro Hernández.
Next - Carolina Suarez
Very good afternoon to all our dear viewers, today, Thursday, March 5th, 2022; We welcome all of you once again, bringing you the most shocking news of the day this week, we begin.
Gingle - Carolina Suarez –“Last Hour”
And in breaking news, we begin with the tragic situation that has the world restless and it is the military confrontation between Russia and Ukraine.
Despite the efforts of Ukrainian citizens and soldiers to defend the nuclear plant located in Zaporizhia, it was taken over by the Russian armed forces after the heavy artillery shelling, which attacked this nuclear plant, leaving the entire world in a state of shock. Well, it is believed that an explosion of this plant would represent 10 times more impact than that of Chernobyl. We will go with our correspondent in the capital of Kiev, Laura Páez, for more information. Hello Laura, we hear you.
Correspondent Laura Paez – Situation in Ukraine (2 min)
Pedro Hernández – National News.
Thank you very much for the information Laura, we continue with the national news, we will talk about the refusal maintained by Jorge Rodríguez, representative of the National Assembly of Venezuela, in the face of the affirmation maintained by the media about Alex Saab, who would be the supposed figurehead of President Nicolás Maduro; is the DEA informant, in addition, it has been known of the support that the Maduro government has in favor of this current businessman, who affirms that he has suffered “savage torture” by the US agency in charge.
Court Music - Carolina Suarez
Don't leave the screen, we're going to a commercial break and we'll be back soon with the most outstanding Encomia, sports and entertainment news. We'll be back in a moment.
Sponsors - Commercial Court.
It is important to follow the same structure and journalistic order, according to the segments of information available, current and relevant news and always indicating who will give the news, when the commercial breaks, intros and farewell of the news will be.
Learn more about news script at: https://brainly.lat/tarea/28201456