un dialogo en ingles de comidas saludables
Respuestas a la pregunta
Tres estudiantes (Ajay, Jana y Lucía) hablan sobre comer sano y hacer ejercicio.
Ajay: Lucía, as an athlete, how do you stay fit and healthy?
Jana: I’d like to know too! I’ve heard so many people talking about the dreaded freshman 15.
Ajay: Me too. And the all-nighters that I’ve pulled haven’t helped. I get hungry when I stay up all night studying.
Lucía: Well, I can relate* to that. I often snack when I study. The key is to choose healthy foods. I try to snack on vegetables a lot.
Ajay: But where do you buy them? You can’t buy produce in vending machines.
Jana: I get vegetables from the salad bar in the dining hall. Healthy eating isn’t such a problem for me. My problem is staying motivated to exercise. How do you do it?
Lucía: Well, I have my teammates**. We help one another stay motivated.
Ajay: So I should get a running partner. Hey Jana, do you want to run with me tomorrow morning?
*relate – algo con lo que una persona se identifica o que le parece que tiene que ver con su propia experiencia
** teammates – compañeros de equipo. El sufijo “mate” se utiliza para significar “compañero”, por ejemplo: “roommate” (compañero de cuarto), “soulmate” (alma gemela), etc…
Revisemos ahora el vocabulario
The word dreaded [temido, intimidante] is an adjective and means causing fear. It can be used seriously (such as, a dreaded disease) or humorously (such as, my dreaded homework).
Freshman 15 [expresión usada en Estados Unidos para referirse al peso que un estudiante gana durante su primer año en la universidad] is an expression used in the U.S. that refers to the number of pounds (15) students may gain during their first year of college. (Fifteen pounds equals nearly seven kilograms.) This number is not based on research, but many people refer to freshman 15 as a real and accurate*** amount.
An all-nighter [pasar toda la noche en vela estudiando] is a night during which a person stays awake the entire time (often studying) instead of sleeping. To pull an all-nighter [pasar la noche en vela estudiando] means to stay up all night, often studying.
A vending machine [máquina expendedora] is a machine into which one puts money in order to receive drinks, food, etc.
Produce [productos agrícolas]: fresh fruits and vegetables.
A dining hall [comedor, cafetería] is a large room in a school, university, etc., where meals are served and many people can eat at the same time.
A salad bar [mostrador de ensaladas] is a place in a restaurant or dining hall with fresh vegetables, etc., where people can easily make their own salads.
When a person is motivated [motivada/o], he or she is eager**** to do something and work hard to succeed.
***accurate –preciso, acertado, confirmado (datos o información)
****eager – estar deseoso o entusiasmado respecto a algo