Inglés, pregunta formulada por kiannyv00, hace 1 mes

True or false He was supportive He wanted to show his strength. He was generous He was always proving that he was better than her He chose her cloths and her friends She couldn´t concentrate He gave her time for her own He made her feel insecure.​

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Contestado por matiashuaroccfanola



How to detect an insecure person and not be affected by their attacks

Before you get a failure complex, analyze the person who makes you feel this way: underestimating others is the way insecure people feel good, do not pay attention to them.

"There are great men who make everyone else feel small, but true greatness consists in making everyone else feel great," said English novelist Charles Dickens. Phrases like this are continuously uploaded to social networks and no one hesitates for a minute to like, share and retweet them. We can't be sure if they are thought-provoking or not, but what is certain is that they make us look good, like masters in the art of psychology. To be honest, we all like that posturing that sells us to others as sensitive, fair and coherent people who do not need to crush the rest to prove how much we are worth. Because, what kind of person is so mean to do that? Well, probably yourself.

Yes, at some point in our lives we have all had insecurities, and it is fair to admit that when our self-esteem has been affected we have ended up attacking the other person. How? Well, either with criticism, or with contempt, or with a boast of superiority that really masks how small we feel inside. That person you have to interview has a more impressive resume than yours? You say, "Look, I'm sorry, you just don't quite fit the profile we're looking for." That celebrity poses on Instagram with a knockout body? You reply: "You're thin, but you have cellulite". And so, you stay (apparently) so comfortable, while the recipient of your bitter comments deflates. That's why you have to be cautious and before you come to believe that others do everything better than you, stop and think. Is not their attitude the manifestation of a serious insecurity? It's very likely that it is, and it may well be the same for you.

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