Inglés, pregunta formulada por haneul14, hace 1 año



La profilaxis antibiótica en cirugía consiste en utilizar un antibiótico de manera preventiva que sea activo frente a las bacterias que con mayor frecuencia causan infecciones posteriores a los procedimientos quirúrgicos. Para ello debemos hacer una racional elección del antibiótico a emplear así como utilizarlo durante el tiempo adecuado. Por lo general este tiempo no excede a las 24 horas de administración y en los esquemas profilácticos se emplean antibióticos como los betalactámicos, azálidos, lincosamidas y aminoglucósidos los cuales deberán ser escogidos dependiendo de la condición médica del paciente y de aspectos relacionados propiamente con la técnica quirúrgica ejecutada.
El implante es un tornillo realizado en titanio puro y que ha sido sometido a un tratamiento especial
en su superficie para garantizar la óseointegración al hueso. Se trata de una prótesis médica biocompatible, apta para ser implantada en el cuerpo humano y por lo tanto sometida a los más severos controles sanitarios desde su fabricación hasta la colocación al paciente.
Es una pieza de alta precisión, diseñada para resistir fuerzas muy considerables, como las realizadas por los maxilares en el proceso de masticación y que debe reunir unas condiciones de mecanización perfectas en cuanto al ajuste de su cabeza con las piezas protésicas que deben colocarse sobre él, de manera que no exista ningún tipo de holgura entre ellas. Por todos estos motivos es importante trabajar con implantes de calidad reconocida. Una pieza dental restaurada con un implante se compone de tres partes: el tornillo, el conector y la corona o funda.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por sprayer
Antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery is to use an antibiotic preemptively that is active against the bacteria that most commonly cause post-surgical infections procedures. To do this we must make a rational choice of antibiotic to use and use it for the right time. Usually this time does not exceed 24 hours of administration and prophylactic schemes antibiotics like beta-lactams, azalide, lincosamides and aminoglycosides are used which must be chosen depending on the medical condition of the patient and aspects properly with technical surgical executed.The implant is a screw made of pure titanium that has been subjected to special treatmenton its surface to ensure osseointegration the bone. It is a biocompatible medical prosthesis adapted to be implanted in the human body and therefore subject to the most severe health control from manufacturing to patient placement.It is a piece of high precision, designed to withstand very large forces, such as those made by the jaws in the process of chewing and must meet conditions perfect mechanization in adjusting your head with prosthetic pieces to be placed on it , so that there is not any clearance therebetween. For all these reasons it is important to work with implants of recognized quality. A restored tooth with an implant is composed of three parts: the screw connector and the crown or cover.
Contestado por layken

Antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery is to use an antibiotic preemptively that is active against the bacteria that most commonly cause infections following surgical procedures. So we must make a rational choice of antibiotic to use as well as use it for the right time. Usually this time does not exceed 24 hours after administration and prophylactic schemes used antibiotics such as Beta-lactams, medicine, clinical and aminoglycosides which must be chosen depending on the medical condition of the patient and surgical technique executed properly aspects.

The implant is designed in pure titanium screw and which has been subjected to a special treatment

on its surface to secure the bone osseointegration. It's a bio-compatible medical prosthesis, suitable to be implanted in the human body and therefore subjected to the most severe sanitary controls from its manufacture until the patient.

It is a piece of high precision, designed to withstand considerable forces, such as those made by the jaws during chewing and which must meet new condition of mechanization in terms of setting his head with parts prosthetic that should be placed upon him, so that there is no clearance between them. For all these reasons, it is important to work with recognized quality implants. A restored tooth with an implant consists of three parts: screw, connector and the Crown or cover.
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