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Nació el 2 de febrero de 1977 en Barranquilla, Colombia.
Hija única de William Mebarak, estadounidense de origen libanés que emigró a Colombia a los cinco años, y de Nidia del Carmen Ripoll Torrado, colombiana de ascendencia catalana. Tiene ocho hermanastros mayores de un matrimonio anterior de su padre.
Cuando Shakira tenía dos años su hermanastro mayor murió en un accidente cuando su motocicleta chocó con el coche de un conductor borracho. Fue criada como católica.
Shakira en árabe significa "agradecida" o "llena de gracia". Habla con fluidez el portugués, italiano, inglés, español y árabe.
Desde muy niña compone canciones y asiste a concursos infantiles. Su abuela libanesa le enseñó el arte de la danza del vientre árabe.
Fue una gran admiradora de la cantante Gloria Estefan y aprecia todo lo que hizo por la música latina.
Cuando tiene trece años, un representante de Sony Music le consigue su primer contrato discográfico. En el año 1991 Shakira debuta con el álbum, 'Magia', publicado únicamente en Colombia y gracias a este trabajo es elegida para representar a su país en el Festival de la OTI en España, aunque no pudo participar en el certamen por no contar con la edad mínima, que era de dieciséis años.
En 1993 Shakira lanza 'Peligro', su segundo disco y aparece como actriz en una teleserie llamada 'El Oasis', en Caracol Televisión. Su tercer álbum, 'Pies descalzos' (1996), vendió más de cuatro millones de copias en todo el mundo y dio inició a un gira mundial que duró dos años. En 1998 aparece ¿Dónde están los ladrones? que compuso tras ser robadas en un aeropuerto todas las canciones que había compuesto para un disco nuevo.
Steven Spielberg le ofreció un papel en su película 'La máscara del Zorro' en 1998, pero no aceptó porque su inglés no era lo suficientemente bueno. El papel finalmente lo interpretó Catherine Zeta Jones.
En 2000 el gobierno colombiano nombra a Shakira Embajadora de Buena Voluntad. Un año después, aparece 'Servicio de Lavandería' (2001), traducida también como 'Laundry Service' que vendió más de diez millones de copias en todo el mundo. El 25 de septiembre de 2002 Shakira anunció en Nueva York una nueva gira mundial titulada 'Tour de la mangosta'. Desde el año 2000 mantuvo una relación sentimental con Antonio de la Rúa, hijo del ex-presidente de Argentina Fernando de la Rúa.
Shakira publicó dos elepés en 2005: uno en español, 'Fijación oral vol.1', y otro en inglés 'Oral fixation vol.2'. Fijación oral Vol. 1 fue lanzado en el mes de junio de 2005 en Europa, Norteamérica, Australia y Latinoamérica. El disco llegó al primer lugar de ventas en México, Colombia, Argentina, España y varios países de Latinoamérica. El 28 de agosto de 2005, se convirtió en la primera cantante en interpretar un tema musical en español durante la ceremonia de los MTV Video Music Awards, celebrados en Miami, Florida.
Con la colaboración del cantante español Alejandro Sanz interpretó 'La Tortura'. El 28 de febrero fue galardonada con su segundo Grammy anglosajón en la categoría de Mejor Álbum Rock Latino. Durante noviembre de 2005 lanzó 'Oral Fixation Vol. 2', que debutó en la posición número cinco en los Estados Unidos dentro del [Billboard 200]. En el 2006 se publicó una nueva edición de 'Oral Fixation Vol. 2', que incluía un nuevo tema, 'Hip's don't lie'. El sencillo, cantado en inglés junto al ex Fugees Wyclef Jean, se convirtió en el mayor éxito en su carrera.
El 3 de abril de 2006 Shakira recibe una mención honorífica en una ceremonia de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas por la creación de la fundación llamada 'Pies Descalzos', que se encarga de ayudar y proteger a los niños que sufren de violencia intrafamiliar en Colombia. El 27 de abril de ese mismo año Shakira gana seis premios Billboard Latinos y es elegida para cantar su canción 'Hips Don't Lie' en la ceremonia final de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA, Alemania 2006. En 2007, colabora con su amigo Alejandro Sanz, en el álbum 'El tren de los momentos' en la canción 'Te lo agradezco, pero no', y en el mismo año, en una canción y el vídeo musical titulado 'Beautiful Liar' con la cantante estadounidense Beyoncé, correspondiente a su álbum "B'Day".
El 12 de octubre de 2009 lanza 'She Wolf' su sexto álbum de estudio. El 29 de junio de 2009 estrenó la versión en español del primer sencillo titulado 'Loba' ('She Wolf' en inglés). El álbum fue un éxito en las listas y disco de Oro en Rusia, Irlanda, Suiza, Polonia, Francia, Argentina, Grecia y Hungría, de Platino en España, el Reino Unido y el Oriente Medio, 2X Platino en Colombia y México, y 3 veces Platino en Taiwán.
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He was born on February 2, 1977 in Barranquilla, Colombia.
The only daughter of William Mebarak, an American of Lebanese origin who emigrated to Colombia at the age of five, and of Nidia del Carmen Ripoll Torrado, a Colombian of Catalan descent. He has eight older half brothers from a previous marriage of his father.
When Shakira was two years old, her older stepbrother died in an accident when her motorcycle collided with the car of a drunk driver. She was raised as a Catholic.
Shakira in Arabic means "grateful" or "full of grace". He speaks fluent Portuguese, Italian, English, Spanish and Arabic.
Since she was a child she composed songs and attended children's competitions. His Lebanese grandmother taught him the art of Arab belly dancing.
She was a great admirer of the singer Gloria Estefan and appreciates everything she did for Latin music.
When he is thirteen years old, a Sony Music representative gets him his first record contract. In the year 1991 Shakira debuts with the album, 'Magia', published only in Colombia and thanks to this work she is chosen to represent her country in the OTI Festival in Spain, although she was not able to participate in the contest because she did not have the minimum age, which was sixteen.
In 1993 Shakira releases 'Peligro', her second album and appears as an actress in a television series called 'El Oasis', on Caracol Televisión. His third album, 'Pies descalzos' (1996), sold more than four million copies worldwide and started a world tour that lasted two years. In 1998 it appears Where are the thieves? who composed after being stolen in an airport all the songs that he had composed for a new album.
Steven Spielberg offered him a role in his film 'The Mask of Zorro' in 1998, but he did not accept because his English was not good enough. The role was finally played by Catherine Zeta Jones.
In 2000 the Colombian government appoints Shakira Ambassador of Good Will. A year later, 'Laundry Service' (2001) appears, also translated as 'Laundry Service' that sold more than ten million copies worldwide. On September 25, 2002 Shakira announced in New York a new world tour titled 'Mongoose Tour'. Since 2000, he has maintained a sentimental relationship with Antonio de la Rúa, son of former Argentine president Fernando de la Rúa.
Shakira published two LPs in 2005: one in Spanish, 'Oral fixation vol.1', and another in English 'Oral fixation vol.2'. Oral fixation Vol. 1 was launched in June 2005 in Europe, North America, Australia and Latin America. The album reached the first place of sales in Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Spain and several countries in Latin America. On August 28, 2005, she became the first singer to perform a musical theme in Spanish during the MTV Video Music Awards ceremony, held in Miami, Florida.
With the collaboration of the Spanish singer Alejandro Sanz he played 'La Tortura'. On February 28, she was awarded her second Anglo-Saxon Grammy in the category of Best Latin Rock Album. During November 2005 he released 'Oral Fixation Vol. 2', which debuted at number five in the United States within [Billboard 200]. In 2006 a new edition of 'Oral Fixation Vol. 2' was published, which included a new track, 'Hip's do not lie'. The single, sung in English with former Fugees Wyclef Jean, became the biggest success of his career.
On April 3, 2006, Shakira received an honorable mention at a ceremony of the United Nations Organization for the creation of the foundation called 'Pies Descalzos', which is in charge of helping and protecting children suffering from intrafamily violence in Colombia. . On April 27 of the same year, Shakira won six Billboard Latin prizes and was chosen to sing her song 'Hips Do not Lie' at the final ceremony of the FIFA World Cup, Germany 2006. In 2007, she collaborated with her friend Alejandro Sanz, in the album 'El tren de los momentos' in the song 'I thank you, but not', and in the same year, in a song and the music video entitled 'Beautiful Liar' with the American singer Beyoncé, corresponding to his album "B'Day".
On October 12, 2009 he released 'She Wolf' his sixth studio album. On June 29, 2009 premiered the Spanish version of the first single titled 'Loba' ('She Wolf' in English). The album was a hit in the charts and Gold record in Russia, Ireland, Switzerland, Poland, France, Argentina, Greece and Hungary, Platinum in Spain, the United Kingdom and the Middle East, Platinum 2X in Colombia and Mexico, and 3 times Platinum in Taiwan.
He was born on February 2, 1977 in Barranquilla, Colombia.
The only daughter of William Mebarak, an American of Lebanese origin who emigrated to Colombia at the age of five, and of Nidia del Carmen Ripoll Torrado, a Colombian of Catalan descent. He has eight older half brothers from a previous marriage of his father.
When Shakira was two years old, her older stepbrother died in an accident when her motorcycle collided with the car of a drunk driver. She was raised as a Catholic.
Shakira in Arabic means "grateful" or "full of grace". He speaks fluent Portuguese, Italian, English, Spanish and Arabic.
Since she was a child she composed songs and attended children's competitions. His Lebanese grandmother taught him the art of Arab belly dancing.
She was a great admirer of the singer Gloria Estefan and appreciates everything she did for Latin music.
When he is thirteen years old, a Sony Music representative gets him his first record contract. In the year 1991 Shakira debuts with the album, 'Magia', published only in Colombia and thanks to this work she is chosen to represent her country in the OTI Festival in Spain, although she was not able to participate in the contest because she did not have the minimum age, which was sixteen.
In 1993 Shakira releases 'Peligro', her second album and appears as an actress in a television series called 'El Oasis', on Caracol Televisión. His third album, 'Pies descalzos' (1996), sold more than four million copies worldwide and started a world tour that lasted two years. In 1998 it appears Where are the thieves? who composed after being stolen in an airport all the songs that he had composed for a new album.
Steven Spielberg offered him a role in his film 'The Mask of Zorro' in 1998, but he did not accept because his English was not good enough. The role was finally played by Catherine Zeta Jones.
In 2000 the Colombian government appoints Shakira Ambassador of Good Will. A year later, 'Laundry Service' (2001) appears, also translated as 'Laundry Service' that sold more than ten million copies worldwide. On September 25, 2002 Shakira announced in New York a new world tour titled 'Mongoose Tour'. Since 2000, he has maintained a sentimental relationship with Antonio de la Rúa, son of former Argentine president Fernando de la Rúa.
Shakira published two LPs in 2005: one in Spanish, 'Oral fixation vol.1', and another in English 'Oral fixation vol.2'. Oral fixation Vol. 1 was launched in June 2005 in Europe, North America, Australia and Latin America. The album reached the first place of sales in Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Spain and several countries in Latin America. On August 28, 2005, she became the first singer to perform a musical theme in Spanish during the MTV Video Music Awards ceremony, held in Miami, Florida.
With the collaboration of the Spanish singer Alejandro Sanz he played 'La Tortura'. On February 28, she was awarded her second Anglo-Saxon Grammy in the category of Best Latin Rock Album. During November 2005 he released 'Oral Fixation Vol. 2', which debuted at number five in the United States within [Billboard 200]. In 2006 a new edition of 'Oral Fixation Vol. 2' was published, which included a new track, 'Hip's do not lie'. The single, sung in English with former Fugees Wyclef Jean, became the biggest success of his career.
On April 3, 2006, Shakira received an honorable mention at a ceremony of the United Nations Organization for the creation of the foundation called 'Pies Descalzos', which is in charge of helping and protecting children suffering from intrafamily violence in Colombia. . On April 27 of the same year, Shakira won six Billboard Latin prizes and was chosen to sing her song 'Hips Do not Lie' at the final ceremony of the FIFA World Cup, Germany 2006. In 2007, she collaborated with her friend Alejandro Sanz, in the album 'El tren de los momentos' in the song 'I thank you, but not', and in the same year, in a song and the music video entitled 'Beautiful Liar' with the American singer Beyoncé, corresponding to his album "B'Day".
On October 12, 2009 he released 'She Wolf' his sixth studio album. On June 29, 2009 premiered the Spanish version of the first single titled 'Loba' ('She Wolf' in English). The album was a hit in the charts and Gold record in Russia, Ireland, Switzerland, Poland, France, Argentina, Greece and Hungary, Platinum in Spain, the United Kingdom and the Middle East, Platinum 2X in Colombia and Mexico, and 3 times Platinum in Taiwan.
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