this is a ait is a police station
Respuestas a la pregunta
That, numeral 8 of article 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, establishes as one
of the fundamental duties of the State to guarantee its inhabitants the right to a culture of
peace, comprehensive security and living in a democratic society free of corruption;
That, numerals 1, 4, and 7 of article 83 of the Constitution of the Republic establish as
Duties and responsibilities of Ecuadorians, abide by and comply with the Constitution, the law and the
the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador recognizes as
One of the attributions of the Executive Function is to ensure the maintenance of sovereignty, of the
independence of the State, internal order and public security, and exercise the political direction of
national defense;
That, paragraph 1 of article 154 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador establishes that theMinisters of State, in addition to the powers established by law, are responsible for
exercise the leadership of the public policies of the area under its charge and issue agreements and resolutions
administrative that its management requires;
That, Article 226 of the Constitution of the Republic says that the State institutions, their
agencies, agencies, public servants and people who act under
of a state authority will exercise only the competences and powers that are attributed to them
in the Constitution and the law. They will have the duty to coordinate actions for the fulfillment of their purposes.
and make effective the enjoyment and exercise of the rights recognized in the Constitution;
That, Article 227 of the Constitution of the Republic details that the public administration
constitutes a service to the community that is governed by the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, quality,hierarchy, deconcentration, decentralization, coordination, participation, planning,
transparency and evaluation;
That, the first numeral of article 261 of the Constitution of the Republic grants powers to the
Executive function to define internal protection and public order policies;
I hope it helps you