Inglés, pregunta formulada por eddycarrero, hace 8 meses

They haven´t arrived _______ ? (yet - for)

2. He has studied English ______ he was five. (since - for)

3. We haven't played tennis ___ last summer. (for - since)

4. She hasn't talked to me ___ a long time. (for - yet)

5. We have known each other ___ 2001. (since - for)

6. You have changed a lot ___ last time I saw you. (since - for)

7. I haven´t eaten ______ yesterday. (since - for)

8. We have been here ______ 6 o´clock. (since - for)

9. The bus has ______ arrived. (already - since)

10. I have known him _______ years. (for - yet)

ramirezdkr07: enseame

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por estrellasdelfuturo79


1 yet

2 since

3 since

4 for

5 since

6 since

7 since

8 since

9 already

10 for


Already - ya Se usa en oraciones afirmativas e indica que ya ha terminado una acción. Se coloca despues del Auxiliar Has o Have

Yet - Aún - Todavia. Se usa en oraciones negativas y se coloca al final de la oración

La preposición FOR se usa para expresar la duracion de una accion, el periodo de una acción o un evento. Como puedes ver FOR se debe usar para un intervalo de tiempo. La preposición SINCE se usa para indicar un momento a partir del cual la acción continua

cesitar14: eeeeee yo no soy de inglés :>
Contestado por max5893


1. They haven't arrived yet?.

2. He has studied English since he was five.

3. We haven't played tennis since last summer.

4. She hasn't talked to me for a long time.

5. We have know each other since 2001.

6. You have changed a lot since last time i saw you.

7. I haven't eaten since yesterday.

8. We have been here for 6 o clock.

9. The bus has already arrived.

10. I have known him for years



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