Inglés, pregunta formulada por jazminmarquezsilva, hace 21 días

The passive voice is used when we focus on the object of the sentence.
1. My daddy pays the bills
2. Susan makes pizza
3. The teachers help the new students
4. Lili sets the table
5. My cousin drinks coffee
6. Carly prepares the food
7. She does the housework
8. The mason builds a big house
9. The journalist writes a report
10. The police walks the dog

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por JRJ07


The bills was pay by my daddy

The pizza was make by susan

The students are help by the teacher

The table was set by lili

The food was prepare by Carly

The hosework was do by susan

The big house was build bt the mason

The report was write by the jornalis

The dog was walk by the police


La voz pasiva lo q hace es reinterpretar la horacion de tal forma que el objeto ahora sea el sujeto

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