texto en inglés de 100 palabras sobre José Martí
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Born into a Spanish family with few economic resources, at the age of twelve José Martí began to study at the municipal school directed by the poet Rafael María de Mendive, who noticed the intellectual qualities of the boy and decided to devote himself personally to his education.
The young Martí was soon attracted by the revolutionary ideas of many Cubans, and after the beginning of the War of the Ten Years (1868-1878) and the imprisonment of his mentor, began his revolutionary activity: he published the gazette El Diablo Cojuelo, and shortly after a magazine, La Patria Libre, which contained his dramatic poem Abdala. At the age of seventeen, José Martí was sentenced to six years in prison for his membership in pro-independence groups; he performed forced labor in the prison until his poor health earned him a pardon.