texto con ajetivos calificativos y superlativos
Respuestas a la pregunta
My Father is the best in the world
Se escribe como algo que no tiene comparación, pero que describe al sujeto.
Reglas para escribir adjetivos comparativos superlativos.
Existen adjetivos irregulares y regulares, los irregulares cambian completamente. Por ejemplo:
Good- better- best
Los regulares
Si es comparativo se les agregar (er) pero si es superlativo se les agrega (est) al final de la oración.
Ejemplo: Cold- colder- coldest
Debes estar pendiente si este adjetivo termina con vocal seguida de consonante, pues si es así se duplica la consonante al final. Ejemplo: Hot- Hotter- Hottest.
También es importante recordar que si el adjetivo termina en y esta se cambia por i. Ejemplo: Noisy- noiser – noisiest. Si el adjetivo es de más de dos sílabas se forman con more o most. Ejemplo: More Beautifull (comparativo) Most Beautifull (superlativo).
Texto con Adjetivos Comparativos y Superlativos.
Today I went to school there was a new kid at school he was the tallest of the class, he was younger than me, and he was stronger than Eric but skinnier than Mark. He sat down beside me he looked more muscular than me and not very smart either. When we went to the gym he was slower than Markus but faster than me. He was skinnier then Paul and Paul were fatter than him. He was the strongest of the class and he was the funniest of the class too. And then i went home with him and that comes were I am now.