Inglés, pregunta formulada por vaniadesantos323, hace 10 meses

Tengo que entregar un writting y me gustaría entregarlo lo mejor posible. ¿Alguien me lo puede corregir? Mil gracias

Reading helps us connect with our identity, with our feelings. It favors social relationships, increases mental agility, reduces stress, and activates the visual system.

I usually opt for books of poetic prose, romance, and drama. I still have a thousand types of books to discover, but right now, they are the ones I feel best about.
Each of the books that I have read has helped me to be who I am, to delve into the depths of my soul and see that there are people like me.

When I was children I spent hours trying to admire what I read, but I didn't like the typical princess stories. At the age of eleven, I started reading books that maybe weren't made for my years, but they were the ones I most identified. That was where I understood that I had developed such maturity that things my age bored me.

minglada: Yo cambiaria favors por improve
minglada: El decir "activate the visual system" podrá ser correcto como traducción, pero horroroso desde el punto de vista semántico. ¿Qué beneficio tiene activas el sistema visual? podrá ser mejorarlo, ejercitarlo, etc...
minglada: la palabra "opt" me suena rara. Sin saber si es correcta o no, yo pondría "choose".
minglada: "weren't made for my years" yo pondría "my age"
minglada: "I usually opt for books of poetic prose, romance, and drama." yo pondría
"The books that I usually choose are poetic prose, romance, and drama."
minglada: Con "I still have a thousand types of books to discover, but right now, they are the ones I feel best about." ¿te refieres a temas o tipos de libros? Yo sustituiría "types" por "subjets" or "themes"
minglada: "When I was children I spent hours trying to admire..." ¿admire? suena un poco extraño. Yo pondría "enjoy"....
minglada: "....but they were the ones I most identified." ¿Qué quieres decir? ¿Qué identificabas los libros o te identificabas con ellos? Si es esto último, puede que suene mejor "... I better identified myself"
minglada: "That was where I understood that I had developed such maturity that things my age bored me." ¿Qué quieres decir? Si es que ahora te has dado cuenta o en un determinado momento te diste cuenta, sugiero que sería mejor un "When" que un "where".
vaniadesantos323: Muchas gracias ❤️

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por marioquintana344


esta muy bien felicitacioness

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