Biología, pregunta formulada por michelleherdia6750, hace 2 meses

Suppose you wanted to estimate the
number of dandelions in a field. It
could take hours to count every single
one, so ecologists use a SAMPLING
A single sample is used to estimate
the size of the overall population.

1. What might cause the estimate to
be wrong with this method?

2. Why would it be difficult to use this
method to estimate the population of fish?​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por starthedream


Grid Survey: Let's say we want to estimate the number of dandelions in a vacant lot. ... and count the number of individual plants of each species in each of the quadrats. This data can later be used to do a species diversity calculation. ... of the quadrat, only count them if the center of the plant falls within the sample area.


I just hope this is good

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