superlative and Comparative
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Superlatives adjectives are used to describe an object which is at the upper or lower limit of a quality, examples: the tallest, the smallest and the fastest. They are used in sentences where a subject os compared to a group of objects.
Comparatives adjectives are used to compare differences between two objects they modify (larger,taller, higher). They are used in sentences where two nouns are compared, in this pattern: Nou(subject)+ verb+comparative adjective+ than+ noun(object)
Superlative: Un adjetivo superlativo se usa cuando nos referimos para expresar que algo o alguien es quien más sobresale en algún aspecto.
Comparative: Ls adjetivos comparativos sirven para comparar características o cualidades entre objetos, personas o animales.
Aqui te dejo las reglas que se deben seguir en ambas