Inglés, pregunta formulada por guerrajhonny15, hace 3 meses

Subraya los pronombres personales que identifiques en la lectura. es de ingles pr favor ayuda.
Human relations

Human relations are the result of a complicated interplay of thought and emotion. The result may be understanding, not understanding, or misunderstanding.

Our attitudes toward particular people may be affected by our attitude toward people in general, but there are exceptions. One may be sincerely fond of a particular member of another race or creed, and still possess race or religious prejudice. A man may be in love with a particular woman, elevate her on a pedestal, and sincerely feel inferior to her but at the same time, if he is an employer, he may refuse to hire women.

If we see a person whom we believe we know very well acting in a manner which doesn’t meet our expectations, we may be shocked or we may try to save our own false conception by declaring something is wrong with him. It all too infrequently occurs to us that something might be wrong with our own assumptions and interpretations; that we might have a trace of prejudice in us.

Misunderstanding is particularly likely if there is hesitancy to communicate thoughts and feelings, or a barrier of some other sort, between us. Business people are up against this problem continually, because it is the nature of business to require cooperation among those engaged in the same sort of work. We cannot escape the dilemma by the simple technique of avoiding problems.

People who are inclined toward introversion find it difficult to understand those who are inclined toward extroversion. They are moved by different impulses and by different ways of looking at life. The thing to do is to realize that people are different in their personality structure. It is the fate of human beings to see the world differently, and to develop different meanings and values of life. Insight into this fact will go far toward avoiding prejudice.

Once again, as has been said so often in these letters, emphasizing the positive has its virtues. When we look for the good we are likely to appreciate a person’s Excellencies and find that they far outweigh his faults.

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Contestado por jimenenezkimberli82


Human relations

Human relations are the result of a complicated interplay of thought and emotion. The result may be understanding, not understanding, or misunderstanding.

Our attitudes toward particular people may be affected by our attitude toward people in general, but there are exceptions. One may be sincerely fond of a particular member of another race or creed, and still possess race or religious prejudice. A man may be in love with a particular woman, elevate her on a pedestal, and sincerely feel inferior to her but at the same time, if he is an employer, he may refuse to hire women.

If we see a person whom we believe we know very well acting in a manner which doesn’t meet our expectations, we may be shocked or we may try to save our own false conception by declaring something is wrong with him. It all too infrequently occurs to us that something might be wrong with our own assumptions and interpretations; that we might have a trace of prejudice in us.


Misunderstanding is particularly likely if there is hesitancy to communicate thoughts and feelings, or a barrier of some other sort, between us. Business people are up against this problem continually, because it is the nature of business to require cooperation among those engaged in the same sort of work. We cannot escape the dilemma by the simple technique of avoiding problems.

People who are inclined toward introversion find it difficult to understand those who are inclined toward extroversion. They are moved by different impulses and by different ways of looking at life. The thing to do is to realize that people are different in their personality structure. It is the fate of human beings to see the world differently, and to develop different meanings and values of life. Insight into this fact will go far toward avoiding prejudice.

Once again, as has been said so often in these letters, emphasizing the positive has its virtues. When we look for the good we are likely to appreciate a person’s Excellencies and find that they far outweigh his faults.



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