Inglés, pregunta formulada por josuemora0812, hace 7 meses

Student’s Name: ......................................................Course: ........................... PARALLEL: ....................Elige"Must" / "Should" / "Have to"1Youshouldspeakto your brother and try to solve that problem.2Youshouldcome with us to the cinema; the film we are going to see is marvellous3You are very fat. Youshouldpractice sport.4Please, we are in the church; youmuststop making that unpleasant noise.(A father to his son)5If you want to watch TV, first youmustfinish your homework6If I want to buy a new house Ihave toget a mortgage (A mother to her daughter)7You cannot go out with your friends. Youmuststay at home because you have fever8In internal flights youhave youcheck in one hour before the departure9Ihave togo to the bank to get some money10Youvisit Paris. What a beautiful city!11The doctor is very worried about my dad and has told him that hework less12Ifill the tank; it is almost empty13Our teaches have told us that webe quiet during the class (A father to his son)14You will have exams in two weeks. Youstudy harder (obligation)15(The police officer to the protesters) Youleave this place immediately16Ileave immediately; it is very late and tomorrow I have to get up early17In the petrol station weswitch off the engine before filling the tank18The weather is really nice. Wego for a walk19Youto go to the dentist; you have lost a filling (consejo muy enfático)20Yougo by plane; by car it is a very long journey21Youread more; it is very good for your education22Kevin, youshave yourself; you look a little bit scruffy (A mother to her son

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por darkside68


eso es fácil me lo dieron en 1er grado1039

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