Inglés, pregunta formulada por lorenzitopuruguay, hace 9 meses

“So many things changed,” says Sara. “I am scared.” Ario asks Salem and Sara “What do you do when you get scared?” “I like thinking of the people that make me feel safe,” says Sara. “I like talking with my grandparents on the phone,” says Salem. “I cannot visit my grandparents because I can give them the coronavirus. I miss them.” “It is normal to miss people we love that we can’t see in this moment,” says Ario. “You are a hero Salem. When you don’t visit your grandparents to protect them, you are a hero. Do you want to meet other heroes?” “Yes, please!” Sara and Salem cry back. “Great, my friend Sasha has a very special superpower. Let’s go!” says Ario. la pronunciacion xfa, quien no sabe q no responda xfis

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por MeriDC


Las "v"(que escribí) suenan parecidas a las "f": love

Las "z" se pronuncian como españolas

No tomé en cuenta los nombres (se pronuncian en el idioma de cada uno, supongo)

"Sou meni zings cheinlld", seis Sara. "Ai am eskerd."

Ario asks Salem and Sara "Uat du yu du uen yu guet eskerd?"

"Ai laik zinkin of da pipol dat meik mi fil seif," seis Sara.

"Ai laik tokin guit mai granparents on da fon," seis Salem."Ai cannot visit mai granparents bicos ai kan guif dem da koronavairus. Ai mis dem."

"It is nórmal tu miss pipol uí lov dat uí kant si in dis móment," seis Ario.

"Yu ar a jiro Salem. Uen yu dont visit yor granparents tu protect dem, yu ar a jiro. Du yu uant tu mit oder jiros?"

"Yes. plis!" Sara an Salem crai bak.

"Greit, mai frend Sasha jas a beri sspeshal superpauer. Lets gou!" sais Ario.


lorenzitopuruguay: gracias
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