Biología, pregunta formulada por Henrry1234, hace 1 año

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Contestado por apcasanova

To understand telophase, firstly we have to know what mitosis is. It is known as the action that it is made after the duplication of its genetic material, in this way, enables each cell derived from this process to have their equal chromosomes. Meiosis is another  way of cellular reproduction. In this case, the process takes place in the sexual glands  (haploid cells, the ones that have 23 chromosomes). It carries out two successive divisions of one diploid cell in order to produce 4 haploid cells, in which each chromosome has a single chromatid.

DNA is made up of DeoxiriboNucleic Acids. It is what cointains the genetic information that will determain whether we're this way or that way.

Chromosomes: Is the most condensed state of DNA. Chromosomes just appear when the cell is ready to divide. It is coiled and forms this compact state, which during cell division will be useful for DNA not to break or get damaged.

Ovogonia: it is the formation process of the female sexual cells, from ovogonia to the ovule.
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