si me ayudan doy 20 puntos al mejor y corona porfaes para mañana espero toda la noche
Respuestas a la pregunta
a) I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
They are
b) I my
You yours
He his
She her
It its
We our
They their
c) Good - bueno - bad
Big - grande - small
Dirty - sucio - clean
Strong - fuerte - weak
Old - viejo - young
Hard - duro - heavy
Ugly - feo - beautiful
Dry - seco - wet
Happy - feliz - sad
Fun - divertido - boring
Short - pequeño - tall
Fat - gordo - thin
Dark - oscuro - light
Cold - frio - hot
Slow - lento - fast
Espero esto te ayude
i am
you are
he is
she is
we are
they are
i am not a student
you aren't in my class
he isn't near the door
she isn't in the classroom
we aren't classmates
they are not next to the window
i - my
you - your
he - his
she - her
it - its
we - our
they - their
good - bad
big - small
dirty - clean
strong - weak
full - empty
old - young
hard - easy
ugly - beautiful
dry - wet
happy - sad
fun - boring
short - tall
fat - thin
long - short
light - dark
cold - hot
slow - fast
las traducciones búscalas en google