Inglés, pregunta formulada por Genesarethrico69, hace 6 meses

selecciona el verbo correcto para formar el futuro:
1)cindy will _________ baskeball . plays played play

2)mark _________ the baby to the car tonight.
carries carried will carry

3)ann is going to ________ her project in a month
finish finishes finishing

4)they are _________to travel to mexico next summer.
goes go going

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por nataliagarcia97

selecciona el verbo correcto para formar el futuro:

1)cindy will play baskeball .

2)mark Will carry the baby to the car tonight.

3)ann is going to finish her project in a month

4)they are going to travel to mexico next summer.

Otras preguntas