Inglés, pregunta formulada por pr32090, hace 7 meses

Second Conditional Form
Make the second conditional
1) If I

(be) you, I

(get) a new job.
[ . ][ . ]
2) If he

younger, he

[ . ][ . ]
3) If we

(not/be) friends, I

(be) angry with you.
[ . ][ . ]
4) If I

(have) enough money, I

(buy) a big house.
[ . ][ . ]
5) If she

(not/be) always so late, she

(be) promoted.
[ . ][ . ]
6) If we

(win) the lottery, we

(travel) the world.
[ . ][ . ]
7) If you

(have) a better job, we

(be) able to buy a new car.
[ . ][ . ]
8) If I

(speak) perfect English, I

(have) a good job.
[ . ][ . ]
9) If we

(live) in Mexico, I

(speak) Spanish.
[ . ][ . ]
10) If she

(pass) the exam, she

(be) able to enter university.
[ . ][ . ]

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Contestado por 2019maker


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