Inglés, pregunta formulada por santiaworl, hace 2 meses

Sacar todos los verbos de este texto. My name is Clara. I’m a bus driver. I drive a school bus. I take children to school in the morning and
take them home in the afternoon. They say hello to me every morning, and sometimes they bring cookies or flowers. I love children, so it’s a good job for me.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por carlapatriciasandoba


te daras cuenta que los vervos en ingle sienpre terminan con ing o tting



Contestado por userjbhjjvvyvy


My name is Clara. I’m a bus . I a school bus. I children to school in the morning and

them home in the afternoon. They hello to me every morning, and sometimes they cookies or flowers. I love children, so it’s a good job for me.

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