Inglés, pregunta formulada por canduran085, hace 1 año

Resumen en ingles: the selfish giant

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por iArielle
A giant who lived in a big house had a beautiful garden, but he never let anyone enter his garden. Whenever he was away, children would come there to play.One day, the giant decided to visit his friend and left for the neighbouring kingdom. The giant came back from his friend’s place after seven years. Seeing the children play in his garden, he angrily chased them away and built a high wall around the garden.After the children stopped coming to the garden, the trees and flowers were so sad that they lost their beauty and were covered with snow and frost. No birds came to sing there. Spring was everywhere but in the giant’s garden it was still winter.One morning, the giant saw children playing in the garden. They had entered through a small hole in the wall. And spring arrived in the garden at last to express its happiness on seeing the children again.The giant realised that he had been selfish and was very sorry for what he had done. He let the children play in the garden every day. The giant’s favourite among the children was a little boy who had kissed him when he helped him to get on top of the tree. But the little boy stopped coming to the garden and the giant was very sad.Many years passed and the giant grew old and weak. One winter morning, the giant saw the same boy under a tree. He ran down to the boy in joy. The boy was an angel who had come to take the giant to the garden of Paradise as a reward for letting him play in his garden.
Contestado por angeltoms3

Resumen en inglés: The Selfish Giant.

The story is about of a giant who had a beautiful garden, but he never let anyone get into his garden. Whenever he wasn't in his house, the children would come to his garden to play.

But one day, the giant decided to visit his friend and left for the neighbouring kingdom. The giant came back from his friend’s hause after seven years. Seeing the children play in his garden, he angrily chased them away and built a high wall around the garden.

After the children stopped coming to the garden, the trees and flowers were so sad that they lost their beauty. No more birds came to sing there. Spring was everywhere but in the giant’s garden it was still winter.

Until one morning, the giant saw children playing in the garden. And spring arrived with the children again. The giant realised that he was been selfish and he was very sorry for what he had done. He let the children play in the garden every day so the spring could come back with the children.  

  • Traducción:

La historia trata de un gigante que tenía un hermoso jardín, pero nunca dejó que nadie entrara a su jardín. Cuando no estaba en su casa, los niños venían a su jardín a jugar.

Pero un día, el gigante decidió visitar a su amigo y se fue al reino vecino. El gigante regresó de la casa de su amigo después de siete años. Al ver a los niños jugar en su jardín, los ahuyentó furiosamente y construyó un muro alto alrededor del jardín.

Después de que los niños dejaron de ir al jardín, los árboles y las flores estaban tan tristes que perdieron su belleza. No más pájaros vinieron a cantar allí. La primavera estaba en todas partes, pero en el jardín del gigante todavía era invierno.

Hasta que una mañana, el gigante vio niños jugando en el jardín. Y llegó la primavera con los niños otra vez. El gigante se dio cuenta de que había sido egoísta y lamentaba mucho lo que había hecho. Dejó que los niños jugaran en el jardín todos los días para que la primavera volviera con los niños.

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