responder estas preguntas usando lo que se encuentra en el archivo
Respuestas a la pregunta
Relative clauses, passive voice, and conditionals.
1. How do you think parents and parents can help young people plan their future?
2. How do you think young people can help themselves when planning a career?
1. First, all the parents begin to see the gifts of their children and begin to recommend careers that they can study for their future and fit them with their gifts
2. Knowing what your limits are and start extending them to do more than you could in the past
Cláusulas relativas, voz pasiva, y los condicionales.
1. ¿Cómo crees que los padres y los padres pueden ayudar a los jóvenes a planificar su futuro?
2.¿Cómo crees que los jóvenes pueden ayudarse a sí mismos a la hora de planificar una carrera?
1.primero que todo los padres empiezan a ver los dones de sus hijos y empezarle a recomendar carreras que puede estudiar para su futuro y les quede encajando con sus dones
2.sabiendo cuales son sus limites y empezarlos a extenderlos para hacer más de lo que pudo en el pasado
Relative clauses, passive voice, and conditionals.
1. How do you think parents and parents can help young people plan their future?
2. How do you think young people can help themselves when planning a career?
1. First, all the parents begin to see the gifts of their children and begin to recommend careers that they can study for their future and fit them with their gifts
2. Knowing what your limits are and start extending them to do more than you could in the