Relatos en guarani de Paraguay mejor si son cortos
Respuestas a la pregunta
This work arises from the need to have materials related to
mythology, specific for adolescents and young people between 13 and 18 years old, since the materials available are
not attractive. The main objective of graphic design is to
communicate; When communicating, you can teach and
therefore learn, so it is important to keep in mind that design is a fundamental tool for education. We believe that a
more innovative element can generate greater attraction,
if this combined with stories could generate more persuasion and thus, would increase the desire to continue investigating. This research benefits adolescents and youth
and provides comprehensive material in support of our
culture. A more innovative material and according to the
age of our public, it is essential the use of new methods accompanied by technology but without escape of the reality
of our country and the one that affects many, that of not
possessing the necessary tools for them to be appreciated.
A method was created by which the student feels part of or
identifies with some of the experiences described, attracting through it betting on ideal materials for the educational environment.