Inglés, pregunta formulada por mirlecelis, hace 6 meses

Registro de inscripcion D
NIT: 819002035-8
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Kead the text from an eco-magazine. Put the sentences (1-3) in the
correct place A. B. or C) in the text.
1. According to the WWF (the Worldwide Fund for Nature). human activity has destroyed
50% of the world's forests.
2. Our lifestyle is responsible for most environmental problems.
in an ecosyum everyding spesie role wpisy, ti sudūru do svi work,
will create imbalance in otheRegistro de inscripcion D
NIT: 819002035-8
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Kead the text from an eco-magazine. Put the sentences (1-3) in the
correct place A. B. or C) in the text.
1. According to the WWF (the Worldwide Fund for Nature). human activity has destroyed
50% of the world's forests.
2. Our lifestyle is responsible for most environmental problems.
in an ecosyum everyding spesie role wpisy, ti sudūru do svi work,
will create imbalance in other parts of the ecosystem
The Interconnectedness of life
Everything is connected. There is a
symbiotic relationship between ali
living things. One good example of this
relationship is ecosystems. These are
communities of living organisms that
share the benents of their habitat. They
cet air, water, and food. (A)
Our planet is an ecosystem, made up
of many other small ecosystems. But
human actionc hwtransformartha
Earth. Too much CO, in the atmosphere
is changing the climate of the planet.
This change creates other conditions
that affect ecosystems
(B)...We create pollution. We build roads, kill
animals, cut down trees, pollute the soil, air and
water and consume resources without thinking
of the effects. Forests are necessary to purify the
air Trees absorb CO and release oxygen. They
also maintain the water cyclebvreleasing water
vapour into the atmosphere. The forests are the
habitat of many organisms and animals. They
provide food and water. Clearly. deforestation is
our biggest problem. (C).
A healthy ecosystem allows many different
spociestolive together. This is biodiversity and
it is sustainable when it is capable of providing
the necessary conditons for all species to live and
rendance parts of the ecosystem
The Interconnectedness of life
Everything is connected. There is a
symbiotic relationship between ali
living things. One good example of this
relationship is ecosystems. These are
communities of living organisms that
share the benents of their habitat. They
cet air, water, and food. (A)
Our planet is an ecosystem, made up
of many other small ecosystems. But
human actionc hwtransformartha
Earth. Too much CO, in the atmosphere
is changing the climate of the planet.
This change creates other conditions
that affect ecosystems
(B)...We create pollution. We build roads, kill
animals, cut down trees, pollute the soil, air and
water and consume resources without thinking
of the effects. Forests are necessary to purify the
air Trees absorb CO and release oxygen. They
also maintain the water cyclebvreleasing water
vapour into the atmosphere. The forests are the
habitat of many organisms and animals. They
provide food and water. Clearly. deforestation is
our biggest problem. (C).
A healthy ecosystem allows many different
spociestolive together. This is biodiversity and
it is sustainable when it is capable of providing
the necessary conditons for all species to live and

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por jessicagarciajua


El Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza ( WWF ) es una organización no gubernamental internacional fundada en 1961 que trabaja en el campo de la preservación de la naturaleza y la reducción del impacto humano en el medio ambiente . [4] Antes se llamaba World Wildlife Fund , que sigue siendo su nombre oficial en Canadá y Estados Unidos . [4]

WWF es la organización de conservación más grande del mundo , con más de cinco millones de seguidores en todo el mundo, que trabaja en más de 100 países y apoya alrededor de 3000 proyectos de conservación y medio ambiente. [5] Han invertido más de $ 1 mil millones en más de 12,000 iniciativas de conservación desde 1995. [6] WWF es una fundación con el 55% de los fondos de individuos y legados, el 19% de fuentes gubernamentales (como el Banco Mundial , DFID y USAID ) y el 8% de corporaciones en 2014. [7] [8]

WWF tiene como objetivo "detener la degradación del medio ambiente natural del planeta y construir un futuro en el que los seres humanos vivamos en armonía con la naturaleza". [9] El Informe Planeta Vivo ha sido publicado cada dos años por WWF desde 1998; se basa en un Índice Planeta Vivo y en el cálculo de la huella ecológica . [4] Además, WWF ha lanzado varias campañas mundiales notables, incluyendo La Hora del Planeta y Canje de deuda por naturaleza , y su trabajo actual está organizado en torno a estas seis áreas: alimentos, clima, agua dulce, vida silvestre, bosques y océanos. [4] [6]

WWF recibió críticas por sus supuestos vínculos corporativos [10] [11] y ha sido reprendido por apoyar a los guardias ecológicos que acosaron a los habitantes de los bosques africanos en el propuesto parque nacional Messok Dja en la República del Congo. [12]

El Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF) es parte del Grupo Directivo de la Plataforma de Fundaciones F20 , una red internacional de fundaciones y organizaciones filantrópicas. [13]

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