Inglés, pregunta formulada por vero84vlq, hace 2 meses

receta de macarrones en ingles​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Mango418


Step 1: Boil Macaroni

Bring a pot of water to a boil. Cook elbow macaroni until al dente, about 8 minutes.

Step 2: Make a Roux

While the macaroni is cooking, go ahead and start on the roux. A roux is a thickening agent made of one part fat and one part flour that makes up the base of this creamy mac and cheese.

To make the roux, start by melting butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add flour, salt, and pepper and stir until smooth. Slowly pour in milk and stir until the mixture is smooth and bubbling. Be careful to not let the milk burn.

Step 3: Add Cheese and Macaroni

Finally, the most crucial step: Add cheese! Slowly stir in Cheddar cheese until smooth and melted. We recommend you grate your own cheese because pre-shredded cheese won't incorporate into the mixture as well as block cheese.

Once the macaroni is finished cooking, drain and stir into cheese sauce until coated.


Contestado por alejandra1118pdcbau


Bring water to a boil in a large pot. Place a deep mixing bowl over the steam (bain-marie) and beat the egg white there with a balloon whisk until it is at room temperature (approx. 1 minute).

Remove the refractory from the steam and with an electric mixer beat the egg white until it is white and foamy. Add the refined sugar and beat until it reaches the point of nougat (2 more minutes).

Separate the mixture into 4 equal parts and to each one add 1 or 2 drops of food coloring each of a different color, beat for 1 more minute. In another deep bowl, sift the almond flour and then the icing sugar. Mix well and make sure there are no lumps.

Divide the flour mixture into 4 equal parts and to each color mixture add 1/3 of the flour and sugar mixture and with a plastic spatula mix with circular movements. Repeat with another third of the flour and mix and finish with the last third. Just mix everything well to have a shiny dough, the same for each color.

Place the 4 doughs in a pastry bag with a small circular tip. Prepare a tray with waxed paper and with the pastry bag make small circles (2 cm apart). You should have enough of this mixture for approximately 16 macaroni (8 when you put them together in a sandwich). There should be 4 of each color left so that when you make a sandwich, you will have 2 macaroni of each color.

Let the macaroons dry at room temperature for at least an hour. You know they are dry when you touch them with your fingertip and they already have a hard coating. Heat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius and bake the macaroni for 10 minutes.

Lower the temperature to 140 degrees and bake for 2-3 more minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 3-4 minutes and very carefully remove from waxed paper. Assemble the macaroni by adding a teaspoon of nutella between two macaroni.

You can put different fillings to the macaroni.


Coloca a hervir agua en una olla grande. Coloca un refractario hondo para mezclar sobre el vapor (a baño maría) y bate ahí la clara de huevo con un batidor globo hasta que este a temperatura ambiente (aprox. 1 minuto).

Retira el refractario del vapor y con una batidora eléctrica bate la clara hasta que esté blanca y espumosa. Agrega el azúcar refinada y bate hasta que esté a punto de turron (2 minutos más).

Separa la mezcla en 4 partes iguales y a cada uno agrega 1 gota o 2 de colorante cada uno de distinto color, bate 1 minuto más.

En otro recipiente hondo cernir la harina de almendra y luego el azúcar glass. Mezclra bien y asegúrate de que no hayan grumos.

Divide la mezcla de harina en 4 partes iguales y a cada mezcla de color agrega 1/3 de la mezcla de harina y azúcar y con una espátula de plástico mezcla con movimientos circulares. Repite con otro tercio de la harina y mezcla y termina con el último tercio. Acaba de mezclar bien todo para tener una masa brillante, lo mismo para cada color.

Coloca las 4 masas en una bolsa pastelera con una punta pequeña circular.

Prepara una charola con papel encerado y con la bolsa pastelera has pequeños círculos (con 2 cm de separación). Te deberia de alcanzar esta mezcla para aproximadamente 16 macarrones (8 cuando los armas en sandwich). Deberián de quedar 4 de cada color para cuando se haga sandwich tener 2 macarrones de cada color.

Deja que los macarrones se sequen a temperatura ambiente por al menos una hora. Sabes que ya estan secos cuando los tocas con la punta del dedo y ya tienen una cubierta durita.

Calienta el horno a 150 grados centígrados y hornea los macarrones por 10 minutos. Baja la temperatura a 140 grados y hornea por 2-3 minutos más.

Retira del horno y permite que se enfrien 3-4 minutos y separa muy cuidadosamente del papel encerado.

Arma los macarrones agregando una cucharadita de nutella entre dos macarrones.

Puedes poner distintos rellenos a los macarrones.

espero te sirva :)

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