Historia, pregunta formulada por playaadriana4, hace 1 mes

reason why senators should remove that type of government are talking of emperor caligula. AYUDAAAA (HELP MEEE)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por evangelinabaetriz81


Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (31 August 12 – 24 January 41 AD), nicknamed ... Backed by Macro, Caligula had Tiberius's will nullified with regard to ... Caligula accepted the powers of the principate as conferred by the Senate and ... between the private wealth of the emperor and his income as head of state.


Contestado por javier261079


La tuya por si acaso

Explicación: ._.

playaadriana4: ese "por si acaso" jamas pasara :v
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