realizaran un texto en ingles que promueva la practica de actividades físicas y estilos de vida saludable en los jóvenes de la localidad ??ayudenxf
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Physical activity is an important alternative for a healthy life, including not being in pain, not diminishing our capabilities, staying mentally active, and not involuntarily reducing our activities.
Physical activity is good for the heart, body and mind; any amount of physical activity is better than none, and the more the better; all physical activity counts; muscle strengthening benefits all people; too much sedentary lifestyle can be unhealthy; all people can benefit from increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary habits.
"Physical inactivity is one of the major risk factors for mortality from noncommunicable diseases. People with an insufficient level of physical activity have a 20% to 30% higher risk of death compared with people who achieve a sufficient level of physical activity," the WHO said.
Lifestyles, WHO said, "are increasingly sedentary due to the use of motorized transport and the increasing use of screens for work, education and recreational activities. Data show that a greater degree of sedentary lifestyles is associated with the poor health outcomes listed below:
In children and adolescents:
Increased adiposity (weight gain).
Poorer cardiometabolic health, physical fitness, behavioral conduct/social behavior.
Shorter sleep duration.
In adults:
All-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality and cancer mortality.
Incidence of cardiovascular disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes.