Inglés, pregunta formulada por itachi1491, hace 5 meses

realizar un escrito argumentativo de al menos 3 parrafos cortos en ingles. El texto debe de realizarlo en presente simple , utilizar como minimo 5 palabras de "time expressions" y debe ir relacionado con lo que le gusta y no le gusta hacer en su tiempo libre


itachi1491: ok

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Josefana


Smoking is a habit that is currently classified as harmful, but people who bet on the constructive habit of smoking, state that the damage is produced mainly by a series of vasodilators and binders that accumulate in the lungs. The principle on which they base this is that from their personal experience, they have not suffered harm from smoking a pipe or cigar, something that does occur with cigarettes and more so if the cigarette is smoked in a different way than the one used by the Indians, who used it as a religious medium and with unconventional methods. The cigarette is smoked reaching the lungs and cigar smokers only taste the smoke and the flavor that is produced when pairing.

Example 2 argumentative paragraph of global warming:

In a statement on recent studies of global warming, James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, said that greenhouse gas emissions are causing the oceans to warm and thus changing the dynamics. of global climate energy. James Hansen mentions that this reveals that the planet is out of balance, since there is more energy going in than going out. And therefore it is possible to predict with certainty that the next decade is going to be warmer than the previous one, noted the director of Goddard. Reports from NASA and NOAA put the average global temperature in 2012 at about 14.6 degrees Celsius, six tenths of a degree warmer than in the middle of the 20th century. The global temperature has risen by eight tenths of a 1 degree Celsius since 1880 according to new reports.

Example 3, argumentative paragraph about antibiotics:

Antibiotics are drugs of restricted use, which are restricted because the pathogens that damage the body are in permanent evolution, and due to the misuse of drugs, they have caused a growth in the resistance of pathogens. The contradiction is that many people self-medicate and doctors realized this phenomenon very late, having the problem that self-medication produced a lack of control in the evolution and resistance of pathogenic bacteria.


Josefana: gracias por la corona
itachi1491: ok porque me sirvio la respuesra
Josefana: gracias
Josefana: por la corona
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