Inglés, pregunta formulada por doloresdlsr, hace 2 meses

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow it.
Mary had a beautiful garden with roses, tulips and carnations. She liked to work in her
garden at the weekend. One Saturday morning she was digging in the garden when she
found an old box in the ground. She took it in her hands and looked at it carefully. It
was a yellow, old wooden box. She was very happy because she thought she found a
treasure. She took the box into the kitchen and cleaned it with some paper. Then, she
took a knife and tried to open it but it was really hard. She tried again until she
opened it. In the box were some old pictures of her mother when she was a little girl.
Mary wasn't sad. Those pictures were a real treasure for her!!!
a) What flowers did Mary have in her garden?
b) When did she like to work in her garden?
c) What did she find in the ground one day?
d) Was the box new and green?
e) Why was Mary happy?
f) How did she open the box?
g) What was in the box?
h) Was Mary sad? Why?​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por danielaeve8


a) She has roses, tulips and carnations.

b) She liked to work in her garden at the weekend.

c) She found an old box.

d) No, it was a yellow and old wooden box.

e) Because she thought that she found a treasure.

f) She took a knife.

g) In the box, there were pictures of her mother when she was a little girl.

h) No, because having the photos of his mother were enough to rejoice and not cry.

Espero que te haya servido :3

maqicraft: excelente Bro muchas gracias
Contestado por gabserlab

Para tener una mejor comprensión, se lee y se traduce el texto sobre María, que se encuentra en el tiempo verbal pasado simple:

María tenía un hermoso jardín con rosas, tulipanes y claveles. Le gustaba trabajar en su jardín los fines de semana. Un sábado por la mañana estaba cavando en el jardín cuando encontró una caja vieja en el suelo. Ella lo tomó en sus manos y lo miró cuidadosamente. Era una vieja caja de madera amarilla. Estaba muy feliz porque pensó que había encontrado un tesoro. Llevó la caja a la cocina y la limpió con papel. Luego, tomó un cuchillo y trató de abrirla, pero era muy difícil. Lo intentó de nuevo hasta que la abrió. En la caja había algunas fotos antiguas de su madre cuando era niña. María no estaba triste. ¡Esas fotos eran un verdadero tesoro para ella!

Preguntas y respuestas

a) What flowers did Mary have in her garden?

Mary had roses, tulips and carnations in her garden.

b) When did she like to work in her garden?

She liked to work in her garden on the weekend.

c) What did she find in the ground one day?

She found an old box in the ground one day.

d) Was the box new and green?

No, it wasn't. It was a yellow, old wooden box.

e) Why was Mary happy?

Because she found old pictures of her mother.

f) How did she open the box?

She open the box with a knife.

g) What was in the box?

Old pictures of her mother when she was a little girl.

h) Was Mary sad? Why?

No, she wasn't. Because those pictures were a real treasure for her.

Estructura de las oraciones en pasado simple

El pasado simple se utiliza cuando se hablan de hechos o acontecimientos que ocurrieron en el pasado. Las oraciones se deben escribir con las siguientes estructuras:

  • Afirmativa

       Sujeto + verbo en pasado + complemento.

  • Negativa

       Sujeto + did not / didn´t + verbo en forma básica + complemento.

  • Interrogativa

       Did + sujeto + verbo en forma básica + complemento?

Para aprender más sobre el pasado simple en inglés puedes consultar aquí: y


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