Inglés, pregunta formulada por crashgamer357, hace 2 meses

quien me ayuda doy corona y corazón​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por valbirra


1. Charles is making a list for the supermarket

2. He is going to the supermarket

3. He is making a list to remember what to buy

4. We don't know because oranges aren't mentioned in the text.

5. There isn't any bread

6. We don't know because milk isn't mentioned in the text

7. Charles is making a salad and an apple pie for dinner.

8. No, he isn't.

9. He needs to buy some noodles, a can of tomato sauce, some garlic, a head of lettuce, a few apples, bread and ice cream.

10. Yes, he will buy a few.


Sólo tienes que leer el texto y comprender :)

crashgamer357: gracias no lo ise yo por qué estoy atrasado con las demás materiales pero gracias
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