quien me ayuda .-. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Respuestas a la pregunta
a. Nowadays, they are an essencial part of our life because we became more dependant on technology and other things also formed part of the digital media, such as mails, that now are called e-mails, calling, instant message, because is more convenient and easy. (se que es con respecto a un txt pero no lo he leido pq no sale en la tarea, sorry)
b. Es con respecto al texto leido, asi q no la puedo responder bien, pero lo busco: "The first smartphone, created by IBM, was invented in 1992 and released for purchase in 1994. It was called the Simon Personal Communicator (SPC). While not very compact and sleek, the device still featured several elements that became staples to every smartphone that followed. For example, the SPC was equipped with a touch screen as well as the ability to send and receive both emails and faxes. It had a calendar, address book, and a native appointment scheduler. It even featured standard and predictive stylus input screen keyboards".
c. La busqué tmb pq es con respecto al texto leido:
"Snake is a classic game that requires players to assess their surroundings and find the quickest or safest route to a point. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about spatial awareness and plan ahead to your next move.
The classic game is infamous for using your own success against you when you become so long that you get in your own way. Whilst many games and activities can teach your child about vital life skills, there are not many that would educate on long term strategic planning.
As many parents will know, it can be extremely frustrating to reach such a high level and then lose as you crash into your own tail. The game requires patience in order to grow and a cool head once you inevitably lose. These are all valuable skills to learn early on in a child’s life that will benefit them in later years.
Snake is a tool that can be used as an educational helping hand. One of the important parts of learning is that you will never get something right the first time. Snake teaches children that practice makes perfect when it comes to learning new skills. "