Qué son los sinónimos?
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Los sinónimos son palabras o expresiones que tienen significados iguales o muy parecidos y que pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical. Por lo tanto, se pueden sustituir o intercambiar en un texto sin que este sufra modificación en su sentido.
Synonymy is a semantic relationship of identity or similarity of meanings between certain expressions or words of the same grammatical category (called synonyms).[1] Therefore, synonyms are expressions or words that have a similar or identical meaning to each other. , and belong to the same grammatical category.[2] For example, synonyms for disaster are calamity, devastation, ruin, catastrophe and cataclysm.
Strict synonymy is quite rare in forms of oral expression and is usually due to the existence of coexisting dialectal forms or lexical forms of the same meaning but used in different contexts. Partial synonymy is much more frequent
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