Ciencias Sociales, pregunta formulada por montesvillalbamariaa, hace 7 meses

que hizo Napoleón antes de los 10 años, antes de los 20 años y antes de los 30 años ​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por andymorenoq

Respuesta: tomado de wikipedia  ( Ajaccio , Corsica , France , 15 of August of 1769 - Longwood , Isla Santa Elena , 5 of maypole of 1821 ) was a soldier and statesman French, General Republican during the Revolution and the Directory , and architect of the coup of 18 Brumaire that made him first consul ( Premier Consul) of the Republic on November 11, 1799. He was also consul for life from August 2, 1802 until his proclamation as Emperor of the French ( Empereur des Français ) on May 18, 1804, being crowned on December 2; He was also proclaimed King of Italy on March 18, 1805 and crowned on May 26. He held both titles until April 11, 1814, and from March 20 to June 22, 1815.

For little more than a decade, he took control of almost all of Western and Central Europe through a series of conquests and alliances. Only after his defeat in the Battle of the Nations , near Leipzig , in October 1813, was he forced to abdicate months later. He returned to France and to power during the period called the Hundred Days and was defeated forever at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium , on June 18, 1815, when he was exiled by the British on the island of Saint Helena , where he died.

Napoleon is considered one of the greatest military geniuses in history, as he commanded very successful war campaigns, although with certain equally resounding defeats. His aggressive wars of conquest became the largest military operations known to date in Europe, involving a number of soldiers never seen in the armies of the time. Besides these warlike feats, he is known by the Napoleonic Code ; He is considered by some an " enlightened despot " due to his extraordinary talent and capacity for work. Others, however, regard him as a tyrannical dictator whose wars caused the deaths of millions of people. 4He is judged as the key character who marked the beginning of the 19th century and the subsequent evolution of contemporary Europe.

His soldiers called him the Little Corporal ( le Petit Caporal ), while the British referred to him with the disparaging Boney and European monarchies as the tyrant Bonaparte , the Ogre of Ajaccio, or the Universal Usurper .


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