Inglés, pregunta formulada por marcela572, hace 9 meses

que cosas parecidas tiene un barco de velas y un barco de vapor?​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por rosybarreno7



Overseas navigation has been the mechanism that allowed the formation of an ecumenical world market. From the galleon fleets of the colonial period in the Americas, to the diffusion of steam and the later hegemony of the internal combustion engine, no transport system has managed to displace navigation from its dominant position. The navigation has been perfected to incredible levels and increased to exceed the number of 100,000 huge merchant ships circumnavigating the world. In the present work we analyze the two most recent transitions in propulsion modes, that is, from sailing to steam and from steam to the explosion engine, based on the presence of ships in the ports of Argentina; country that has historically been dependent on navigation in its foreign trade. The information sources used are integrated with specialized texts, published national statistics and a series built for Puerto Quequén, an important grain port in Argentina. It has been possible to verify both the beginnings and the end of the transitions, slower than expected, and the periods of coexistence of different propulsion systems.


The first transition

Since its first recorded appearance on the River Nile, sailing dominated the voyages for millennia. Its replacement, the steam-powered ship, barely did so for 70 years. The use of this technology, added to the metal hulls that reached dimensions that wood could not reach; and the propeller, as a propellant that replaced the side or rear wheels (and that we can see evoked in the filmography of the Mississippi River), forever changed overseas navigation and the exchange of people and goods in the world economy.

However, the important advances in this area that implied progressive increases in speed, a reduction in fuel consumption (coking coal) and greater hold and cargo capacities -with the incorporation of the on-board refrigerator, for example-; and the possibility of navigation without depending on the winds, would begin to be progressively overshadowed by the development of combustion engines and the use of another fossil fuel: oil and derivatives such as fuel oil, diesel oil and diesel oil.

Contestado por dkarinaluan


La navegación ultramarina ha sido el mecanismo que permitió la conformación de un mercado mundial ecuménico. Desde las flotas de galeones del período colonial en las américas, hasta la difusión del vapor y la hegemonía del motor a explosión luego, ningún sistema de transporte ha logrado desplazar a la navegación de su posición dominante. La navegación se ha perfeccionado hasta niveles increíbles e incrementado hasta superar la cifra de 100.000 buque mercantes inmensos circunnavegando el mundo. En el presente trabajo analizamos las dos transiciones más recientes en los modos de propulsión, es decir de la vela al vapor y de éste al motor a explosión, a partir de la presencia de buques en los puertos de Argentina; país que ha sido históricamente dependiente de la navegación en su comercio exterior. Las fuentes de información utilizadas se integran con textos especializados, estadísticas nacionales publicadas y una serie construida para Puerto Quequén, un importante puerto cerealero de Argentina. Se han podido verificar tanto los inicios como el final de las transiciones, más lentas que lo supuesto, y los períodos de convivencia de diferentes sistemas de propulsión.


es una fuente confiable

espero que te ayude

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