PRACTISE-EXERCISE 2 A. Complete the bulletin board with "DOS" and "DON'Ts". Put the garbage in the trash can Take care of the environment Don't cut the line Don't litter the street Don't destroy the monuments Feed stray dogs DOS DON'Ts 1. 5. 2. 6. Vocabulary Garbage = basura trash can = tacho de basura cut the line = saltarse la fila Take care of = cuidar de environment=medio ambiente destroy destruir MPLETE THE CHART: IN THE CITY A good citizen A bad citizen
Respuestas a la pregunta
PRACTISE-EXERCISE 2 A. Complete the bulletin board with "DOS" and "DON'Ts":
Put the garbage in the trash can Don’t cut the line
Take care of the environment Don’t litter the street
Feed stray dogs Don’t destroy the monuments
2. Complete the chart
A good citizen A bad citizen
Put the garbage in the trash can Cut the line
Take care of the environment Litter the street
Feed stray dogs Destroy the monuments.
de nada