Inglés, pregunta formulada por Ceciliachiquito78, hace 7 meses

PRACTICE EXERCISES: GIVE AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE SHORT ANSWERS 1.- Do they know my phone number? + _________________________ 2.- Do you read the newspaper every day? - _________________________ 3.- Does my brother likes the cinema? + _________________________ 4.- Do they have a big garden? - _________________________ 5.- Does Cathy study in the library? + _________________________ 6.- Does John go to school every day? - __________________________ 7.- Do you read this story? + __________________________ 8.- Does your teacher send task? - __________________________ ayuda :,)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por estrellasdelfuturo79


1 Yes, They Do.

2 No, I Don't

3 Yes, He Does

4 No, They Don't

5 Yes, She Does

6 No, He Doesn't

7 Yes, I Do

8 No. He Doesn't


Las respuestas afirmativas Cortas en Presente

Yes + Pronombre + Do o Does

Laa respuestas Negativas Cortas en Presente

No, + Pronombre + Don't o Doesn't

Ceciliachiquito78: Thank :,3
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